Sunday Express


Natasha Bedingfiel­d


English pop star Natasha, 38, had a string of hits in the noughties including Single, Unwritten and chart-topping These Words

What was your first TV memory?

Blue Peter. My favourite phrase is “here’s one I made earlier”. I loved how you fell in love with the presenters. I liked Andi Peters too, in the Broom Cupboard.

What was your first TV appearance?

Top Of The Pops in 2004 for my first single, called Single. It was crazy. If you release a song and it’s good you can have a hit within a week and suddenly you’re on TV. It feels like overnight success when really it’s the result of years of songwritin­g. I misstop Ofthe Pops.

Who was your first TV crush?

I never had any. No wait, Cat Deeley. I loved her on SMTV Live. She was so bubbly and also she was like a tomboy girl who could hang out with the lads.

What is your favourite current show?

I love Netflix, I watch that all the time. I love getting hooked on a box set and watching it whenever you want to. And giving in to the temptation of “just one more...” episode. I liked Killing Eve and Big Little Lies too.

Which TV show would you take to a desert island?

For a desert island it’d make sense to take Love Island, it’s so deliciousl­y wrong! My friend Arielle Vandenberg hosts the American version of that.

What TV show would you like to put out of its misery?

It would have been Big Brother but Channel 5 beat me to it. It was time to let it go. I hated Downton Abbey towards the end too. It started well but became like a soap. Classic shows like Seinfeld never went bad because they knew when to stop. Leave at your peak! Leave them wanting more!

Guiltiest TV pleasure?

Great British Bake Off. It looks so good! The whole time I had morning sickness with my son I couldn’t go out properly and I watched that show constantly.

What are you up to at the moment?

My new single,together In This, is just out and I’m working on more new music. I love that the old music industry rules have all gone out the window, and you can put a song up on Spotify whenever you feel like it. I never stop writing and I’m pretty sure that from all this lockdown downtime I’m going to come up with a great body of work.

● Natasha’s single Together In This is featured in new animated film Jungle Beat: The Movie

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