Sunday Express


- By Marco Giannangel­i

IRAN has built a site in which to weaponise its nuclear programme, an opposition group claims.

The allegation­s place further pressure on European states – including Britain – to reconsider support of the failed nuclear deal.

Located in a military base, the site is said to be used for establishi­ng the yield of nuclear detonation­s. The National Council of Resistance of Iran says constructi­on began in 2012, three years before the US signed the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action with Iran to curb any weaponry ambitions.

In 2017, before the US abandoned the deal, the regime moved in geophysics experts to expand its undergroun­d testing capabiliti­es.

Satellite photos show a tunnel. Key equipment, including seismomete­rs and radar, is believed to have been imported.

Soona Samsami, of the Council, said: “Appeasemen­t allowed the regime to accelerate its drive to acquire nuclear weapons.”

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