Sunday Express

IN THE Before you grab that trowel, pick up a pencil and plan for 2021 Let’s start at the very beginning..


Last year many of us renewed our relationsh­ip with our garden with lockdowns leading to new engagement with our outside spaces.

So at the start of a new year it makes sense that we take the time to reevaluate what we have and begin to enhance or reinvent our plots. It’s a back to basics approach... examining what’s important to us and understand­ing the steps which need to be taken to create our ideal garden.

This week I’m opening my gardening notebook to rediscover the step-by-step guide to what we all may need to consider. It’s my gardening equivalent of Delia’s essential store cupboard items.

And it starts with making time for reflection. Soon we’ll be on the spring season treadmill... digging, feeding, pruning and planting. But without planning we can’t guide our plots to the place we would wish them to be.

January is a good month to plan – it’s a time of resolution­s and a time of relative quiet in the garden which gives us plenty of space for thought.

In fact, going into the garden now can do more harm than good because if your soil is soggy there’s a danger that you will compact it by traipsing back and forth.

So, relax, get out your notebook and jot down your observatio­ns and thoughts. And the first thing to consider is what your space offers.

Here’s what to think about:


Where you live and what your local climate is like

We are lucky to have a mild climate with few extremes which means we can grow a big range of plants. However,

there is a considerab­le difference between the mild but windy coastal climes of the South West, the droughtpro­ne South East and colder northern regions which present different challenges and opportunit­ies.


The aspect of your garden – is it open and sunny or shady and overlooked?

Remember there is no point in battling against prevailing conditions. If it’s too shady for the big flower garden, you can still achieve beauty and interest using the plants that will flourish in partial light. Note where the sun is at different times of the day and various times of the year.


Soil – this is the most important thing

Understand what type of soil you have and work to improve it. This will be the best garden investment you make. Healthy soil is the basis of a productive garden.

If you can analyse what you have you can understand what you need to do to improve it and what will grow best.

It also means that where you want to grow productive plants such as fruit or flowers, or put on an abundant display of foliage, these areas will need investment in the form of digging in stuff that’s good

organic matter.


Dare to dream about what you want

Understand the type of garden that you love, that’s appropriat­e for the conditions you’ve got, and suitable for your circumstan­ces, budget, and time available for maintenanc­e. Is it time to declutter? Sometimes the answers are easier than you expect. If you don’t want a complicate­d plot, look at the line and shape. Simplify by replacing scalloped borders with one big flowing line. Consider removing finicky features such as rockeries which can be very challengin­g to maintain once weeds get in. Styles that are complex can be very rewarding but their implementa­tion and maintenanc­e can be hard going.

Cottage gardens, new perennial styles and large collection­s of pots and containers look great but need a lot of attention and not a little knowledge.

It may be easier to manage simple contempora­ry ideas that use only a few materials, have strong lines and shape and feature plants that stand out at different times of the year.

In our New Year, New Approach to gardening that I’ll reveal next week, we will take a closer look at the foundation of everything that grows... your garden soil and how to improve it.

Consider removing rockeries which are a challenge if weeds get in

 ??  ?? START PLANNING Consider colours
START PLANNING Consider colours
 ??  ?? THINK
How much maintenanc­e can you stand?
THINK AHEAD How much maintenanc­e can you stand?
 ??  ?? CRUCIAL
Healthy soil is the bedrock of all gardens
CRUCIAL Healthy soil is the bedrock of all gardens

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