Sunday Express

Johnson faces Tory rebellion unless he gives a clear roadmap out of lockdown

- By David Maddox and David Williamson

BORIS Johnson is facing a major rebellion in March if he has not started easing lockdown restrictio­ns and does not have a plan in place to end them altogether.

The Prime Minister will ask MPS to agree to a six-month renewal of the Government’s emergency powers to be able to impose restrictio­ns at will to tackle the pandemic.

But already senior MPS in his own party have warned that significan­t numbers could vote against unless there are moves to end lockdown and revitalise the economy.

Former cabinet minister Esther Mcvey, founder of the powerful Blue Collar Conservati­sm Movement, said: “It is absolutely essential that once the most vulnerable groups have been vaccinated the Government starts easing the lockdowns.

“These restrictio­ns are doing huge damage to people’s livelihood­s and mental health in particular.

“The Government must start to stand up to those siren voices who want lockdowns and restrictio­ns to become a near permanent feature of our lives.

“If the Government doesn’t start making rapid headway in doing that it will be the duty of Parliament to remove these swingeing powers from them.”

She also raised concerns over the way seemingly exaggerate­d estimates are being used to push public policy. She argued the concerns are highlighte­d in a written answer on prisoner deaths.

At the start of the pandemic the Government was pushed to have a mass early release of prisoners because thousands would be killed by Covid.

Ministers resisted the calls and a written answer revealed 47 died.

Ms Mcvey said: “There is no better example of the scaremonge­ring to drive government policy they wanted to see from the so-called experts than the prediction­s on prisoner deaths.

“I appreciate these estimates aren’t an exact science, but the difference between a prediction of 2,700 to the reality of 47 is embarrassi­ng, and shows why the Government must not hand over total policy control to the scientists who are clearly not infallible with their prediction­s.”

Covid Recovery Group chairman Mark Harper has said ministers “must come forward now with a plan for lifting restrictio­ns”. He highlighte­d the damage being done to children with schools closed as well as the economy and the risk of other non-covid unnecessar­y deaths being increased by lockdown.

Conservati­ve MP Sir Desmond Swayne accused the Government of “mission creep”, saying: “It seems to me that Boris has been completely taken over.

“He’s completely given over to these people and as a consequenc­e there’s a complete lack of any sense of urgency on the need to lift restrictio­ns.”

‘It seems to me Boris has been taken over’

 ??  ?? WE MUST STAND UP: Esther Mcvey
WE MUST STAND UP: Esther Mcvey

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