Sunday Express


- By Steve Bates

LIFE comes full circle for Everton defender Ben Godfrey tonight as he faces an FA Cup clash with the team who broke his heart as a schoolboy. Godfrey, 23, was just 14 when he had trials at Sheffieldw­ednesday and was dreaming of a place in their academy until they decided to let him go.

It was a cruel moment of rejection but, nine years on, the £25million ex-norwich defender says he wouldn’t change a thing.

He said: “At Wednesday I played central midfield and centre-back and of all the places I went I think that was one of the most successful trials I did.

“But at the end I was told I wasn’t any better than others of my age there so they let me go.

“Although I was told ‘No’ by a few other clubs as well, I thought I’d done well atwednesda­y so it was a big disappoint­ment.

“But it wasn’t meant to be and to be honest I wouldn’t change that at all now. I’m glad with my journey, I’m happy with it.

“Looking back I’m proud I stuck at it.that’s obviously credit to my family and friends who really supported me. I had some good advice from good people.

“My own mindset at that time was to keep going and prove wrong all those people who let me go at that time of my life.”

After eventually joining hometown club York, Godfrey was snapped up by Norwich before Carlo Ancelotti took him to Everton in October.andtoffees fans have quickly to taken the hard-running youngster who has a tough streak taken from dad Alex, a former rugby league profession­al.

The bond with fans was forged after a huge tackle on


Ceballos in last week’s win over Arsenal – but a rugby career was never an option.

He said: “I joined the local team even though I was only four or five.they didn’t have an age group for me so I played up a couple of years before I realised it wasn’t for me.

“Someone must have smashed me that hard I went into football!

“But I love a strong tackle on your opponent like the one against Arsenal. It gets fans going, home or away, and team-mates too.

“It sort of sets the pace and tempo of the game. It might be old-fashioned but I believe in it and will continue to do so.”

Look out,wednesday!

 ??  ?? JOURNEY: Godfrey’s facing the club where he started
JOURNEY: Godfrey’s facing the club where he started

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