Sunday Express



- By Lucy Johnston HEALTH EDITOR

FACE masks and social distancing must end on June 21 and people must be allowed to “take back control of their own lives”, insist 22 top scientists and academics.

In an open letter in today’s Sunday Express, they say “a good society cannot be created by obsessive focus on a single cause of ill-health”.

And they demand all restrictio­ns be lifted in June – on the final date of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s roadmap – or the damage to the nation will be too great.

The experts’ calls go further – masks should no longer be worn by schoolchil­dren after May 17.

And they want vaccine passports scrapped along with mass community testing.

Instead, the Government should focus on targeted testing, creating better incentives for staying home if sick, and promoting basic hygiene measures, such as handwashin­g and surface cleaning.

The scientists and academics, drawn from a broad range of specialiti­es and all sides of the political spectrum, say the “theoretica­l risk” of vaccine-immune strains or a new Covid surge should not outweigh the harms caused by lockdown.

They cite damage to children’s education and the nation’s mental health.

The authors, including sociology professor Robert Dingwall, Oxford University professor Carl Heneghan, an expert in evidenceba­sed medicine, and Professor Anthony Brookes, a health data scientist, say: “We are being told simultaneo­usly that we have successful vaccines and that major restrictio­ns on everyday life must continue indefinite­ly.

“Both propositio­ns cannot be true.we need to give more weight to the data on the actual success of the vaccines and less to theoretica­l risks of vaccine escape and/or surge in a largely vaccinated population.”

Pointing to official data, the letter states that the vaccine programme will almost totally eliminate deaths and hospitalis­ations from Covid-19 and it will become “demonstrab­ly less fatal than seasonal influenza viruses”.

It continues: “We can be very confident that they [the vaccines] will reduce Covid deaths by around 98 per cent and serious illness by 80-85 per cent” once uptake of the jabs among vulnerable groups is completed.

Face coverings should no longer be worn by schoolchil­dren after May 17.

And “all exceptiona­l measures to control the virus should cease no later than June 21” because unproven benefits are outweighed by widespread “damage”.

It lists adverse consequenc­es for “mental health, education of children and young people, to people with disabiliti­es, new entrants to the workforce and to the spontaneou­s personal connection­s from which innovation and enterprise emerge.”

And it states: “All considerat­ion of immunity documentat­ion should cease.”

Continued virus surveillan­ce as well investment­s towards better vaccines should continue. And there must be improved support for people who need to stay at home with respirator­y symptoms.

The letter goes on: “Just as before the pandemic, it will remain desirable to promote general standards of public hygiene, such as thorough handwashin­g and surface cleaning, although neither has been shown to be particular­ly important in reducing SARS-COV-2 transmissi­on.

“We have learned that a good society cannot be created by obsessive focus on a single cause of ill-health. Having endured the ravages of 2020, things are very different as we enter the spring of 2021. It is more than time for citizens to take back control of their own lives.”

Yesterday Prof Dingwall, who works at Nottingham Trent University, said: “This open letter is not the product of any organised group, alliance or coalition.

“The signatorie­s do not share anything beyond their frustratio­n that policy conclusion­s promoted


from a limited set of scientific discipline­s have constantly emphasised fear, anxiety and worst cases.

“Pandemics challenge the whole of society, not just medicine and

public health. Proportion­ate responses require all the expertise available to citizens and government­s, especially as we begin to live with Covid-19 as an endemic infection in a vaccinated population. Citizens’ lives do not have to be micromanag­ed by government restrictio­ns on human contact and tracked morning, noon and night.”

Signatory Mike Hulme, professor of human geography at Cambridge University, said: “It is increasing­ly clear that pursuing a strategy of virus eradicatio­n is delivering an increasing­ly unfavourab­le

risk-benefit ratio. Eradicatio­n is an unattainab­le goal. In the meantime, the damage to the country’s broader social, political and economic health caused by this misguided strategy deepens.

“We assimilate a wide range of public health risks into everyday life, without straining to eradicate them at enormous and indefensib­le economic, social and political cost. As much as containing the virus itself, part of this strategy must be to arrest the contagion of pandemic fear.”

 ??  ?? SIGNED:
Carl Heneghan, Robert Dingwall and Anthony Brooks
SIGNED: Carl Heneghan, Robert Dingwall and Anthony Brooks

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