Sunday Express

Rees-mogg rounds on bitter Cummings

- By David Maddox and David Williamson

LEADER of the Commons Jacob Rees-mogg has slapped down Dominic Cummings for taking “too much pleasure” from his row with Boris Johnson.

Vote Leave mastermind Cummings accused the Prime Minister of falling below the “standards of competence and integrity the country deserves”.

The row threatens to overshadow campaignin­g for the local elections on May 6, in which Conservati­ves hope to hang on to knife-edge mayoral victories, and make gains in the Scottish andwelsh parliament­s.

Mr Rees-mogg said: “Dominic Cummings is among the historic ranks of formidably able politician­s who undermine their own cause by taking too much pleasure from a row.”

The trading of accusation­s looks set to drag on for weeks.

Mr Cummings will take

‘He undermines his own cause’

questions from MPS on May 26 and has also called for a parliament­ary inquiry into the “Government’s conduct over the Covid crisis” in which he would be “happy” to give evidence under oath.

It is understood at least six ministers have set up teams to contest the leadership should Mr Johnson be forced out.

A member of one team told the Sunday Express: “We are all on standby to see what happens on May 26.

“Cummings describing Boris as lacking in integrity and competence is shocking. But more important is his apparent willingnes­s to tell all at the health committee hearing and hand over hundreds of texts.

“He may be bitter but this can only be extremely damaging.”

A minister described the depth of unease, saying: “If you look at where we are – Brexit done, vaccine rollout, miles ahead in the polls – everything should feel comfortabl­e.we ought to be looking forward to winning the next election.

“But underneath it all there is a deep feeling of insecurity and nobody is sure if the PM is in it for the long term.”

Another minister likened Cummings to “a rabid dog that has been let off the lead”.

Mr Cummings’s attack on his former boss followed claims by a Downing Street source that he had engaged in “systematic leaking”.

The former chief adviser shot back by claiming that Mr Johnson had suggested trying to stop a leak inquiry when he learned that the culprit could be a best friend of his fiancee, Carrie Symonds.

Yesterday, sources in Downing Street claimed special adviser

Henry Newman had been “falsely accused” of being the “chatty rat” who leaked details of the second lockdown over Christmas.

They added this was a repeat of false allegation­s made in November.they also insisted Mr Cummings’s suggestion that the inquiry into the leak had been dropped to appease Ms

Symonds was also false as the investigat­ion is ongoing.

A Government insider said it was “believable” that Mr Cummings would leak and described the former top aide as “bitter and bored at home”.

A former senior minister said: “I think he’s more than capable of leaking something to damage the Government.

“He is ruthless. It’s all about Dom – all about creating the Dom legend.”

 ??  ?? OUT: Dominic Cummings is ready to hand over texts
OUT: Dominic Cummings is ready to hand over texts

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