Sunday Express

Hope that George Floyd’s legacy will be a real change...


THROUGH tears George Floyd’s girlfriend Courteney Ross told me that he wouldn’t believe “all this” – everything that has happened as a consequenc­e of his death. A global movement calling for racial justice. A criminal trial covered by the world media. Messages of support from the President. A federal investigat­ion into the Minneapoli­s police force.

Does this represent a watershed moment? You don’t need to go far in Minneapoli­s to hear someone say local law enforcemen­t is racist, that black people are discrimina­ted against, that if you file a complaint you suffer police harassment.

Minneapoli­s may be no worse than other cities in much of America but what happened to George Floyd here has driven a national conversati­on about institutio­nal racism, police reform and accountabi­lity.

Minneapoli­s saw riots when George Floyd, below, was killed – but when the verdict came for the officer accused of his murder there was a silence just as memorable.

The crowded area around the courthouse fell quiet.the city held its breath. Out of the silence a shout of “guilty!” and Minneapoli­s exploded with emotion.

A young black woman in front of me fell to her knees with her eyes closed. When she opened them she was crying.

Derek Chauvin is the first white police officer to be convicted for the death of a black citizen in the state of Minnesota.

It wasn’t just justice for the Floyd family. It was a ruling that told people police accountabi­lity is possible for the death of a black citizen. That when Derek Chauvin kept his knee on George Floyd’s neck until he stopped breathing, it was murder.

It’s hard to explain how much this event has affected this community. The scars of last summer’s unrest are still visible today – charred buildings that were set on fire, the police precinct where Chauvin worked remains boarded and surrounded by a metal fence. There was a fear the

“When the guilty verdict came people danced through ” the street

same would happen again in the event of an acquittal. Leading up to the trial the city resembled a ghost town. Buildings were shuttered, the downtown area crawling with the National Guard.

In the end this security was redundant.when the guilty verdict came people marched to music and danced through the street.

Traffic stopped as drivers jumped out to join the celebratio­ns. The city was breathing a collective sigh of relief. Was this a tipping point? The big question on people’s lips: does this mean change?

Another police shooting, 10 miles from the courthouse, a week before the verdict suggested nothing has changed. Another young black man killed by police in a traffic stop – and nightly protests followed.

Dauntewrig­ht was on the phone to his mother when he was pulled over. Katie Wright heard him scuffling with officers then the line went dead. When she called back he’d been shot. He was 20.

City authoritie­s were faster to react this time. Police bodycam footage was released the next day. It showed Daunte Wright trying to get back in his car when an officer shoots him claiming she meant to fire her Taser. What a mistake to make after 26 years as a police officer.a mistake a lot don’t buy. Kim Potter was charged with second degree manslaught­er within days of his death. For many though, this was an example of the inhumane treatment inflicted on black citizens by white officers every day. So where does America go from here?

PRESIDENT Biden was withholdin­g any comment while the Chauvin trial was ongoing. But after the verdict he broke his silence almost immediatel­y. While commending the conviction as a “giant step forward towards justice in America”, he also noted such a verdict is all too rare.

It took a brave teenager and her mobile phone to expose a murder recorded as a “medical incident” by Minneapoli­s Police.

In a sign of how seriously the White House is taking these deaths, the Department of Justice has announced an investigat­ion into the Minneapoli­s Police.

Reform won’t bring back George Floyd. It won’t bring back Daunte Wright. But the hope is that their deaths may change how America treats black lives.

Mr Floyd’s girlfriend said something that stayed with me. She said: “Floyd was very caring of vulnerable people. The people a lot of us turn away. The ones we don’t want to see, Floyd loved the most. I think he would want to see us taking care of each other better.”

The hope is his legacy will be that change – to have the same care afforded to all citizens.

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member of the crowd outside the
court reacts to the guilty verdict for Derek Chauvin
HIGH EMOTION: A member of the crowd outside the court reacts to the guilty verdict for Derek Chauvin
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