Sunday Express

‘Killed for electric scooter’

Boy, 14, is knifed while his father fights for life in ICU with Covid

- By Jon Austin CRIME EDITOR and Jacob Phillips

A BOY of 14 was stabbed to death “for his electric scooter” after trying to protect another lad, say friends.

Fares Maatou was in his school uniform when he was attacked outside a pizza shop in a busy street.

Three boys have been arrested as the hunt continues, say police.

Witnesses said four or five thugs used weapons, including a knife and metal bar, in Friday’s attack.

A Facebook post said: “A 14-yearold British boy of Algerian descent has just been stabbed to death because of his electric scooter in Canning Town, east London.”

Another tribute from a friend, said to be with him during the attack, added: “You died protecting me, bro.

“They really got him. They even took his scooter.” A restaurant worker described helping the desperate attempts to resuscitat­e the teenager. He joined three others, including an off-duty police officer, who had rushed to the teenager’s aid as he lay in the street.

He said: “They were shouting at him ‘wake up, wake up, try to breathe’. Three or four of us were all shouting ‘one, two, three’, so there was a rhythm for compressio­n.”

Fares had blacked out, he said. He added: “I was hoping he would end up in hospital alive.

“When the doctor broke the news to his sister she almost collapsed.

“Looking at the family bonding I think he was a really loved one.”

A family friend said that Fares’s father has been in intensive care being treated for Covid.

The friend, who asked not to be named, said: “This is a terrible tragedy. The family have been through so much. We didn’t know if his dad was going to pull through after falling terribly ill with Covid. He’s still critically ill and in intensive care, and now they have lost their youngest son.”

Police were called shortly before 4pm. An air ambulance landed nearby but Fares was pronounced dead at 4.30pm.a witness, who tried to help, said: “He was stabbed and then ran around the corner.

“One of the guys had a knife and the other had a big iron bar.we tried to help him. I checked his pulse but he was gone.”

DCI Perry Benton, of Specialist Crime, said: “Fares’s family are devastated. I have assured them of my total commitment to bringing to justice those responsibl­e for this senseless killing.

“They will be supported by specialist officers at every stage of this terrible ordeal.

“Three boys have been arrested and remain in police custody. This is a fast-moving investigat­ion and there will be further developmen­ts.”

Fares had an older brother and two sisters and was blind in one eye, said a friend. He is the 11th and youngest teenager to be stabbed to death in the capital this year.

 ??  ?? VICTIM: Fares Maatou
VICTIM: Fares Maatou

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