Sunday Express

Steve Royle


Steve, 52, is a comedian, juggler, actor and DJ who shot to fame on last year’s Britain’s Got Talent

What was your first TV memory?

A black and white telly that took forever to tune in. You had to painstakin­gly move the dial. It was like trying to crack a safe. The first show I remember was Mr Benn. Incredibly there were only 13 episodes but it seemed like more as a kid.

Who was your first TV crush?

Princess Stephanie of Monaco – I always had ideas above my station. In my teenage years, I had a thing for Fay Lucas on Grange Hill. But then they had that single out and I knew if I asked her on a date she’d just say no.

What was your first TV appearance?

As an act, it was on ITV’S Hitman And Her filmed in a club in Warrington. I’d just taught myself to juggle. You couldn’t see me, just my luminous balls. Before that, I was featured in a Granada report on Oldham Theatre Workshop which used to find child actors for Coronation Street.

What is your favourite current show?

I’m always behind the times. During lockdown three, my wife and I finally got to watch Game Of Thrones from start to finish. Now we’re watching Line Of Duty from series one and it’s brilliant.

Which TV show would you take to a desert island?

I’m very practical so it’d be a Bear Grylls series for survival tips or something to put me off eating, like 24 Hours In A&E – that’d make me lose my appetite. If it was a show for pleasure, I’d take Fawlty Towers.

What TV show would you like to put out of its misery?

I’ve got no time for reality TV. My three teenage daughters are addicted to Love Island and I just hate it. They’re all beautiful – where’s the reality in that? Put a couple of mingers in!

Guiltiest TV pleasure?

Getting in late from gigs, I became addicted to Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, especially the American ones.

What are you up to at the moment?

I’m on tour in September and October with one date in June. Before that I’ll be performing at the Horseshoe Bar at Blackpool Pleasure Beach during May half-term.

● For details of Steve’s live shows see

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