Sunday Express




If your headache or migraine can be felt as tension around your neck, find a comfortabl­e seat and let your chin drop into your chest (without flexing your spine forward). Hold it there for a few breaths before rolling your right ear to your right shoulder and then your chin back to your chest.

Do the same to the left side and repeat as many times as you like to help release tension build-up.

Relax your jaw and close your eyes to give them a break, especially if they are feeling strained.

While exercise might be the last thing on your mind when headaches or migraines take hold, gentle stretches can help ease tension and reduce symptoms. Fi Clark, instructor at FLY LDN ( suggests three gentle poses to ease symptoms of headaches and migraines 2

Take a few minutes to lie on your back in corpse pose – also known as savasana – with your body in ‘neutral’ so you aren’t engaging any muscles – head propped up by a thin cushion, eyes shut.

By resting your head and relaxing the body close to the ground, this can help you feel a sense of release and surrender throughout the whole body including your head.

Add an eye pillow and some relaxing background music to help your mind to relax away from the pressure of the day. 3

Sitting on the floor, either wide legged or legs in front of you, try a seated forward fold. Lower the torso towards the legs, allowing your spine to flex into a C-shape while reaching your hands to the toes, feet or ankles. Focus on your breathing, eyes closed, as you hold for three to eight breaths.

This will not only help to soothe your vagus nerve, but it activates your parasympat­hetic nervous system to help instil calm and restoratio­n, encouragin­g relief from the tension of headaches.

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