Sunday Express


High-flying hitman’s salute to departed boss

- By Harry Pratt

DOMINIC CALVERTLEW­IN has taken a giant leap on the internatio­nal stage in a short time. Seven months ago, the Everton striker was nothing more than a pretender when it came to the England squad.

Now, though, the player with quite possibly the highest and longest jump in football has made Gareth Southgate’s final 26-man cut for the European Championsh­ips.

And with eight senior caps and four England goals under his belt, the Under-20sworld Cup winner is quick to tip his hat towards Carlo Ancelotti for his rapid rise up the world ladder.

Yes, the Italian’s 18-month managerial reign at Goodison Park is over after his sudden exit for Real Madrid.

But Ancelotti’s mark on Calvertlew­in’s game will be there for all to see over the summer.

The Toffees hitman, 24, said: “When Carlo came in, I was just hitting some good form. For a manager of his stature to put his belief in me like he did was all I needed.

“His temperamen­t and the way he manages was a great fit for me. He kept it simple and calm – and he got some great form out of me.”

Ancelotti’s measured approach came with a message for Calvertlew­in: Check out the former Italy and AC Milan poacher Filippo Inzaghi.

The Three Lions star said: “I’ve always studied the game but was more inclined to look at Inzaghi after the gaffer mentioned the similariti­es.

“I was too young to remember him putting them in the back of the net but that’s what Youtube is for.

“So I looked at him and ways to improve.”

Asked if that makes him an old-fashioned goal-hanger as opposed to the increasing­ly fashionabl­e false No.9, Calvert-lewin argued that he is a bit of both.

“Are you suggesting all I do is put the ball in the net?” he responded with a grin. “If you check the stats, because the stats don’t lie, I cover quite a lot of distance.

“All people said before I scored goals was I ran around too much.

“Now people are saying I don’t run around enough. You can’t please everybody!

“I don’t pigeon-hole myself as any particular type.the tools I’ve got – and I still need to fine-tune all of them – mean I can do many different things.

“I’m always trying to expand my game and bring in different elements to place myself in the top bracket of centre-forwards.”

With England skipper Harry Kane in the world-class category already, Calvert-lewin’s input at the Euros is likely to be from the bench.

The ex-sheffield United scholar, who as a teenager had loan spells at non-league Stalybridg­e Celtic and League Two Northampto­n Town, insists he is ready to deliver.

“In tournament football, every player has a different role,” he explained.

“It’s about making an impact whether you play the first 85 minutes or the last five.”

The good news is he has experience of doing just that after scoring England’s winner against

Venezuela in the 2017 Under-20s World Cup Final.

He recalled: “My fondest memories were celebratin­g with my family straight after.

“My first thought was to find my family. I’ll be looking to replicate that this summer.”

Calvert-lewin, who scored 21 goals in all competitio­ns last term, then revealed his parents’ immense pride at his selection for the Euros – and how his father made a real song and dance about it.

“I was waiting for the announceme­nt and he Facetimed me and started singing the John Barnes tune.

“He’s rubbish at it but it was funny,” he added.

 ??  ?? RAPID RISE: Calvertlew­in has won eight senior caps for England
RAPID RISE: Calvertlew­in has won eight senior caps for England
 ??  ?? JUMP START: Calvert-lewin has a spring in his step
JUMP START: Calvert-lewin has a spring in his step

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