Sunday Express

Dom: Boos show that we’re right

- By Harry Pratt

TAKING the knee is still having an impact – and the boos prove it, says Dominic Calvert-lewin.

Some fans jeered England stars on Wednesday at the Riverside as they delivered their now customary show of support for the fight against racism.

Calvert-lewin (right) admits he was bewildered by the hostile reaction before the 1-0 win over Austria, yet he believes it is clear evidence the Black

Lives Matter gesture should continue.

Ahead of today’s clash against Romania, the England and Everton striker said: “I was more confused than anything, that’s the honest truth.

“Obviously we took the knee and then I heard the boos. I looked at one of the lads a little bit like, ‘What for?’

“It doesn’t really make sense to me to feel the need to boo that gesture.

“I think in taking the knee it’s continuing to keep it fresh in people’s minds.

“Whether the gesture is diluted, that’s for people to decide.

“But regardless, it still provides a talking point because there are still people trying to boo it.”

The Goodison ace has also been encouraged by the majority of Three Lions fans seemingly backing the players taking a knee.

Calvert-lewin added: “There’s always a minority that go against certain things and unfortunat­ely there was a minority in the stadium that night.

“They were the ones that booed.

“But while it’s a talking point and still in the forefront of people’s minds, that gives us the best chance of being able to tackle the issue.”

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