Sunday Express

8,300 ‘prisoners’ still waiting for their trial

- By Jon Austin CRIME EDITOR

A FIFTH of on-remand prisoners have yet to be convicted of an offence as a growing backlog of trials caused by cuts and Covid-19 wreaks havoc.

The number of such inmates awaiting trial in England and Wales grew by 26 per cent from 6,593 to 8,308 by the end of March this year, Ministry of Justice figures show.

Around 17 per cent of defendants are acquitted after crown court trials, so it could mean that more than 1,400 innocent people are currently behind bars for months – or even a year – while waiting for trials that will clear their names.

The figures emerged as one lawyer claimed box-ticking and massaging numbers is more important to the court service than serving justice.

Barristers have warned that 60 new permanent courtrooms are needed to stop the huge backlog of trials growing any further.

They say the service would have to start using all existing courts every day, alongside the extra 60, just to keep the backlog static.

Criminal defence barrister Tony Wyatt fears a deepening crisis in the justice system, with some trials now not set to start until 2023.

He said: “One in five of all people currently imprisoned by the state are in prison despite not yet having had a trial to determine if they are even guilty of an offence.

“As of December 2020, there were 2,551 non-convicted prisoners who had spent at least eight months, often more, in custody awaiting trial.

“I currently represent seven nonconvict­ed defendants who have been on remand between eight months and a year.”

There are around 40,000 trials that had original start dates postponed, more than double the 17,400 in March last year.

Lawyers claim the backlog will continue growing as most court buildings have empty rooms daily due to social distancing and cost cutting.

Mr Wyatt said: “Before lockdown, when the total case backlog was already close to 40,000, they were kicking the can down the road. But now, with the case backlog passing 57,000 and with no clear plan on how to reduce it or even keep it in check, we are on the precipice of the entire thing collapsing around us.

“Justice Secretary Robert Buckland said that the backlog would be resolved by April 2022 but a few weeks ago one of my cases was listed for May 2022.”

The backlog reduced slightly since December, when it reached 59,000, to around 57,000.

Mr Wyatt said the court service is also masking statistics for how long it takes a trial to begin by overusing “floating lists” in the knowledge most hearings will not start.

He said: “Every court would have one or two floating trials, which made sense in case a scheduled one could not start, but now they have six or more floaters, knowing most will not start.

“Statistics, boxticking and massaging of numbers have become so

much more important to the court service than the interests of justice.”

The Criminal Bar Associatio­n said the number of scheduled hearings that are failing to start each week has increased starkly, with 640 dropping off in the week to May 23, 2021, compared to 370 in the week to March 1, 2020.

A spokesman said: “MOJ data reveals that each week more than twice the number of trials are moved from their planned date than the number of trials that are resolved.

“It is commonplac­e for many bailed cases to receive trial dates for late 2022 and increasing­ly into spring 2023, often relating to alleged criminal offences that will have by then taken place four or five years previously.”

An MOJ spokesman said: “The vast majority of trials are listed within the next year and judges will often bring cases forward.

“There is no limit on crown court sitting days this year and cases being listed to 2023 are very few in number and are likely to be brought forward. Outstandin­g cases are falling and we have invested hundreds of millions to increase capacity and deliver swifter justice for victims.”

 ??  ?? ON PRECIPICE: Defence barrister
Tony Wyatt
ON PRECIPICE: Defence barrister Tony Wyatt

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