Sunday Express

Couples back Harry’s two-child eco limit

- By Tony Whitfield

ALMOST two-thirds of couples are following Harry and Meghan’s lead by deciding to limit the number of children they will have to two for the benefit of the planet, a study suggests.

But 18 per cent of under-35s do not want any offspring.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced the decision after the birth of Archie but before Lilibet Diana’s arrival.

Prince Harry cited concerns about the environmen­t in guiding their decision when they planned “two, maximum”.

Thirty-two per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds say worries about the environmen­tal effects of parenting influence their decision.

But the fear is echoed by only 22 per cent in the older age group of 25 to 34.

Having two children was the most popular choice by 37 per cent of both age groups but 27 per cent wanted three or more.

Eight per cent would like four and three per cent opyed for five or more. And just seven per cent opted for one child.

Robin Maynard of campaigner­s Population Matters, which had commission­ed the study, said: “The landscape of parenting is changing fast, and young people face personal and global considerat­ions their parents never did.

“We were surprised by how many young people are considerin­g smaller families because of green concerns.

“But it is deeply disappoint­ing to hear that the child-free and parents of one still face criticism and negativity. Having one fewer child, especially in a highconsum­ing country like the UK, is the top eco action for taking the heat off our planet.”

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