Sunday Express

Karin Slaughter


Karin, 50, is a best-selling US crime writer who has sold more than 35 million novels worldwide

What was your first TV memory?

Gilligan’s Island. I’m the youngest of three sisters and I got to choose what we’d watch every other hour. I didn’t particular­ly like Gilligan’s Island but my sisters hated it so I chose it a lot. This is going to make me sound so mean!

Who was your first TV crush?

Kirk Cameron from a sitcom called Growing Pains. He wasn’t really my crush but because one of my sisters adored him, I pretended to be in love with him too.

What was your first TV appearance?

On a local access cable news show. I was so nervous I had to keep going to the bathroom – they must have thought I had a cocaine problem! The first question the host asked me was “I haven’t read your book, but why is it so violent?” I replied that he ought to read it, and that was it, they cut straight to the news.

What is your favourite current show?

For All Mankind, which is an alternativ­e history of the space race where women astronauts get to the moon. I love it! It’s written by Ronald D Moore who did the reimagined Battlestar Galactica. . It has action, levity, family drama – all the things that made

Battlestar Gallactica so great.

Which TV show would you take to a desert island?

NYPD Blue because it’s a terrific show and it’s really long. Like Hill Street Blues it was considered revolution­ary at the time, although it’s hard to know why when you see it now.

What TV show would you like to put out of its misery?

That is such a mean question! I don’t like romantic comedies but other people do... I know, Fox News!

Guiltiest TV pleasure?

I love The Simpsons but I don’t feel guilty about it. It’s still fantastic, so sharp. My dream would be to be featured in The Simpsons. What’s hilarious is that 10 years ago they predicted Trump, so watch it now to know what’s going to happen in 2031.

What are you up to at the moment?

I’m promoting my new novel False Witness and looking forward to seeing the rushes for Pieces Of Her – Netflix have adapted my book for TV.

False Witness by Karin Slaughter (Harpercoll­ins, £20) is out on Thursday

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