Sunday Express

Fix the little things that really mean a lot


THE past five years of British politics have been an extraordin­ary time with the political classes and commentari­at obsessed over first Brexit and then Covid.

As important as these two all-encompassi­ng issues were, it felt like the normal nitty-gritty things that actually affect people’s everyday lives had been left by the wayside and forgotten about.

But now they are back with a vengeance and the Government have had a bucket of cold reality poured over them.

Unfortunat­ely it seems to have missed the Official Opposition, with Labour more concerned about arguing over gender identity and the cervix than talking about the things that matter to Express readers and the vast majority of people.

Politician­s need to ask themselves the question: what matters to voters most?

Is it... do we get on well with our European neighbours? Or perhaps, who is the occupant of the White House? No!

It is... can we heat our home this winter? Is there fuel at my local garage? Can I buy food and loo roll from my supermarke­t?

The small things which make our lives work are in many ways the biggest things to get right.

Politician­s have to wean themselves off the theoretica­l, highfaluti­n’ arguments and get on with making sure basic services are delivered.

So it was very welcome today that the Business (and Energy) Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng has written directly to Sunday Express readers with a clear plan for both the short and long term.

His pledges on capping energy prices and keeping homes warm this winter will be a relief to many.

Equally salient though are his proposals for long-term energy supply and the need to be self-reliant, not – as the French and Germans appear to be planning – relying on a toxic and unstable regime like Russia for gas supply.

The courage of embracing nuclear energy and the Prime Minister’s commitment to look at hydrogen gas show that we are going in the right direction.

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