Sunday Express

Zoom bans convicted hate cleric

- By Dominik Lemanski

HATE preacher Anjem Choudary has been barred from using videocalli­ng app Zoom amid fears he would use the software to spread jihadi propaganda.

Choudary, 54, has said he wanted to lecture people on the evils of alcohol and gambling and the benefits of living under hardline Talibansty­le Islamic Sharia law.

He claimed the app would be the perfect platform to call for the release of terror prisoners such as “Tottenham Ayatollah” Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed.

But executives at Zoom told the Sunday Express they intend to block the former al-muhajiroun leader’s bid to contact followers before he gets started.

A spokesman said: “Anjem Choudary is not a permitted user. If we discover he is using Zoom, we will take action to remove him.

“There is no place for terrorist or violent extremist groups on Zoom, or for those who affiliate with them or promote their activities.”

Choudary, however, told the Sunday Express: “I am going to culture people about Islam as a way of life, call for the Sharia, everywhere including here, and talk about the evils of society – things that are against Islamic law.

“In this country that would mean alcohol, gambling and the British foreign policy. I also plan to hold an internatio­nal conference about Muslim prisoners on platforms such as Zoom.”

Choudary was added to a United Nations list of Isis and Al-qaeda terrorists in a move adopted by the Treasury after his release in October 2018. As a result, his assets were frozen and he has to apply for basic expenses including rent while under tight controls. He is even subject to an arms embargo.

However, a public speaking ban on Choudary was lifted in July.

Tech giant Zoom called on its users to inform on the cleric if he is spotted trying to talk to fellow extremists on their platform.

They added: “Should we become aware of any specific meetings that may be in violation of our terms of service or community standards, we will take action.”

Choudary was jailed for five and a half years in 2016 for inviting support for terror group Isis.

He has claimed to be planning to release podcasts on Tiktok and Snapchat, despite being thrown off both platforms last month.

The East London radical has been prevented from posting on social media networks including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

 ?? ?? CHOUDARY: Barred from app
CHOUDARY: Barred from app

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