Sunday Express

A huge let’s have joined-up policy


PLEDGING this funding is exactly the kind of step we need to start addressing the crisis.

Whilst the announceme­nt is something to be celebrated, we cannot be complacent and assume this will solve everything.there are still huge challenges ahead.

We must continue to work together to better understand the problem of mass homelessne­ss and ensure we are doing everything to prevent even a single additional family or individual losing their home through Covid.

In particular, we must ensure policy and legal systems work properly together to support people to stay in their homes.

There is a clear need for a more joined-up approach to policymaki­ng, with a focus on long-term solutions.

Government­s often think of their legacy as little more than how they appeared, not what they had achieved; how did they look, not did they reduce poverty or increase prosperity? Investing the money needed is a key first step, but it is just that, the first step. It must be a part of a more holistic approach.the policies and infrastruc­ture must also follow.

You can’t just abstract one part of the human puzzle to concentrat­e on.there has to be triangulat­ion in Government thinking. Depression isn’t just a health issue, it involves the quality of the community and of society itself. Just as homelessne­ss is interwoven with a myriad of factors.

So, whilst we are incredibly pleased by this announceme­nt, there is still a lot to be done. And rest assured we will be working hard, alongside the Sunday Express, to

achieve this.

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