Sunday Express

Reigniting Raul fire is now key for Lage

- By Neil Moxley

THERE is plenty to like about Bruno Lage’s first half-season in charge at Wolves.

Unknown to the Premier League he may have been, but the Portuguese has made the transition from Nuno Espirito Santo look easy.

Almost like slipping into a comfy pair of slippers, the 45-yearold has tweaked but not overhauled the structures put in place by his compatriot.

With one glaring difference.

While Wolves are sitting comfortabl­y outside the leading pack and ahead of immediate danger, there can be no doubt that unlocking just one door could make a huge difference to the remainder of the campaign at Molineux.

Wolves remain tight at the back and a threat on the counter-attack.

If only Lage could help leading scorer Raul Jimenez re-discover the kind of form that the Mexican displayed for Nuno, any lingering doubts that the club could enjoy a healthy campaign would simply disappear.

Perhaps it is expecting too much from a player who suffered a head injury that was not just career-threatenin­g but one that also carried far more serious consequenc­es in November 2020 when he clashed with Arsenal’s David Luiz at the Emirates.

After a lengthy rehabilita­tion, Raul has returned – and each of the three goals he has scored have had a direct influence on matches turning in his club’s favour.

Getting him firing again would be of a huge benefit to Lage who won plenty of early season praise for the number of chances his new model side created.

Their problem back then – and it is one that remains – is that Lage’s side is not over-flowing with goals or goalscorer­s.

Hwang Hee-chan leads the club charts with four and is then followed by defender Romain Saiss with three.

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