Sunday Express

‘Children’ gaming soft asylum policy


INWHAT was anything but a Blitzkrieg manoeuvre, Germany has at last agreed to send tanks to support other Western country’s efforts in Ukraine.

An undoubtedl­y welcome move, not least as it helps free up other countries such as Poland to send their own German-built tanks as well, as part of a combined effort.

However, when you realise this was a golden opportunit­y for Germany to continue to shed its reputation from events in the previous century – and to join in with “the good guys” – it’s fair to ask what took them so long.

THE EXTENT of the crisis facing shocking recruitmen­t at London’s Metropolit­an Police was laid bare again last week by the guilty plea to a string of sex offences from PC Hussain Chehab, below.

Appearing at crown court,

IF, like me, you mourn the passing of local newspapers, I wonder how you reacted to an extraordin­ary report on Radio 4 last week about their disappeara­nce. After first blaming the papers, Facebook and Google were also broadly criticised for the loss of such a vital part of our communitie­s, and the means by which local authoritie­s and others are held to account.

But not a mention of how the BBC’S very own websites were tasked to seize all the local news they could and in turn get funded by the ludicrous “TV tax” or licence fee. So much for that much vaunted BBC independen­ce.

THE WEATHER means we’re sticking with red wine this week and this is such a versatile example you can serve it with just about anything. The Beronia Rioja Crianza is £11.99 at Waitrose.

IS ANY more proof required that this country’s asylum policy has descended into utter chaos, with sometimes even fatal consequenc­es? An 18-year-old Afghan national – who had already murdered two people in Serbia before tricking his way into the UK by claiming he was 14 – was convicted of a murder in Dorset.

And on the very same day, it was revealed 200 “children” seeking asylum have gone missing from hotels up and down the country.

Home Office minister Simon Murray said the number included 13 who were claiming to be under the age of 16 – but there was little or no verificati­on to prove their age.

And therein lies one of the greatest – and fatal – flaws. Candidly, what do you think the chances are that all of the 200 who have absconded from the hotels turn out to be under the age of 18?

Both these stories illustrate the system is failing on every possible level, but none more so than the case of Lawangeena­bdulrahimz­ai who pretended to be 14 when he arrived at Poole port in December 2019.

It appears precious few checks were made and accordingl­y Abdulrahim­zai – who was not only 18 but also wanted for shooting dead two fellow Afghans with an assault rifle, had been convicted of drug dealing in Italy and rejected for asylum by Norway – was placed with a foster family.

He was then given a place in Year 10 at Winton School in Bournemout­h, where he terrorised classmates and beat up at least one, as well as reportedly having at least one 14-year-old girlfriend. He posted a video posing with a machete and two days before committing murder in his new home town was reported to police for having a knife.

In March 2022 he stabbed to death aspiring Royal Marine Tom Roberts, 21, in a row over an electric scooter.

Last week he was sentenced to life imprisonme­nt with a minimum term of 29 years.

This was a convicted drug dealer – wanted for murder and rejected by Norway – who made a fool of our asylum system.

He then murdered an innocent young man – who was brave enough to want to serve his country as a Marine – and had been provided with a foster family along the way.

Responding to the outrage, policing minister Chris Philp said: “He posed as 14 and together with immigratio­n lawyers strung the process along for years before it was discovered he was an adult.”

As the other story showed, not everyone is placed with a family, which is why 200 “children” have been reported missing from hotels used by the Home Office to house asylum seekers.

Without doubt, many will turn out to be anything but vulnerable minors, and will more likely be in their late teens or early 20s, again playing the system.

This lethally lax approach to the tens of thousands of people arriving in this country from all over the world, many without passports or any form of identifica­tion, has to be halted. We seem paralysed by the Human Rights Act and terrified by the phalanx of lawyers waiting to challenge each and every decision.

Let’s stop benignly giving all new arrivals the benefit of the doubt, and instead implement a rigid but fair system. With the obvious exception of babies and infants, and those who are clearly children, any arrival

THIS is Isla Bryson, a supposedly transgende­r woman who raped two women while previously living as a man.

Indeed Bryson, 31, who was born Adam Graham, only came to the realisatio­n he needed to transition after he was charged with the two rapes, both of which he had claimed were consensual – but his victims could attest were anything but.

Having been found guilty of the rapes Bryson had been placed in a women’s jail as the necessary risk assessment and checks were carried out.

In the preliminar­y court hearings “she” appeared as Adam Graham.

Bryson is now on medication and reportedly awaiting gender reassignme­nt therapy.

However, her estranged wife, Shonna Graham appears in little doubt, claiming “he’s just bull ***** ing” the authoritie­s.

That might have helped wake up those authoritie­s in Scotland as, after days of scandal, they confirmed Bryson will not be held in a female detention unit.

As has been said in this column countless times before, anyone who is genuinely seeking to transition needs support and considerat­ion.

But let the lunacy of this case serve as a watershed moment and lead to a clampdown on such transparen­t transition game playing.

And as this rapist committed the crimes as a “man,” he must serve the jail term as one too.

claiming to be under the age of 18 will be placed in a secure centre, not just sent off to some random hotel in any town.

They will undergo dental checks and seeing as, for most people, wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 17 and 25, that should prove a pretty sure point from which to start.

Additional­ly, bone density checks and if necessary even X-rays will be taken.

As you’re reading this you’ll rightly be thinking of the torrent of abuse such measures will unleash. We’ll be branded a “hostile nation”, accused of treating children as criminals and undoubtedl­y earn the fury of the Archbishop of Canterbury, among others.

The response to which is brutally simple. Ask anyone spouting fury to have a word with the parents of the would-be Marine who was fatally stabbed by one of those “children” they’re so desperate to protect.

 ?? ??
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Chehab, 22, admitted four counts of sexual,activity with a girl aged 13 to 15, three counts of making indecent photograph­s of a child and sexual communicat­ion with a child.
Did I mention, he’d been given the role of a safe schools officer in Enfield?
Chehab, 22, admitted four counts of sexual,activity with a girl aged 13 to 15, three counts of making indecent photograph­s of a child and sexual communicat­ion with a child. Did I mention, he’d been given the role of a safe schools officer in Enfield?
 ?? ?? KILLER: Abdulrahim­zai lied about his age
KILLER: Abdulrahim­zai lied about his age

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