Sunday Express

Inquiry must deliver results not old cliches


LUCY Letby has shown not a shred of dignity in court.that murderous, wicked creature committed an appalling litany of unforgivea­ble and shocking crimes, then refused to enter the dock for the last days of her trial as the verdicts were delivered.

She has already indicated she will not attend her sentencing tomorrow.

Her cowardly actions match those of a rapidly growing list of vile offenders.

May they collective­ly rot.

The Government has acted swiftly and properly in announcing an independen­t inquiry into the circumstan­ces behind her horrific crimes. But what is already becoming clear is that hospital managers did not give sufficient weight to concerns raised by experience­d medical staff.

This inquiry must deliver accountabi­lity. If individual­s are found to have failed in any way, in whatever role, they must be punished, and any sanctions made public.

Only then will senior managers in any public body or commercial concern think twice about putting organisati­onal reputation before doing the right thing.

A nation should be judged by how it treats its vulnerable, old, young, and

‘Does anyone believe that lessons have been learnt?’

those with disabiliti­es. A precious baby is a gift, not an expendable commodity.

A growing number of people I talk to are becoming increasing­ly angry at inquiries that conclude with the usual worn-out, bland and hollow statement – “Lessons have been learnt”.

Does anyone out there actually believe those words when we hear them spouted in the usual management-speak way?

I was glued to mytv as representa­tives from the police and Crown Prosecutio­n Service gave their measured statements on the steps of Manchester Crown Court after the verdicts had been delivered.

It is undeniable both of these bodies put in a vast amount of work to secure the guilty verdicts. It is also beyond doubt the jury had fulfilled their role most diligently over many months.

Our criminal justice system has rightly come in for a lot of criticism in recent times. But in this case, the system shone and tomorrow justice will be dispensed.

As for punishment, I have visited many jails, and I never met a single prisoner who wanted to spend another day inside. Making the worst of humanity confront their wrongdoing, by keeping them imprisoned until they gasp their last breath, is true punishment.

Letby’s horrific crimes stand in stark contrast to the parents of her victims, who have acted throughout this process – one which must have been utterly wretched for them – with beautiful, priceless, admirable, dignity.

Bless them all.

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