Sunday Express

Meghan’s cooking up deal after deal for new brand

- From Mike Parker IN LOS ANGELES

THE Duchess of Sussex is cooking up a string of tasty deals to establish herself as a leading kitchen and lifestyle guru via her American Riviera Orchard site.

Her recipes will appear on the website, to launch “imminently”, alongside gourmet foods, ingredient­s and cooking utensils sold under her brand’s own label.

Fans hungry for more are likely to be able to watch her create her favourite dishes in a new cookery show on Netflix, as well as follow step-by-step recipes in a cookery book to be published by Penguin Random House.

Meghan and Harry already have contracts with both firms, which are set to “green light” her latest projects after weeks of negotiatio­ns, sources say.

They added: “This is an incredibly savvy cross-marketing strategy and there has even been talk that if the American Rivera Orchard label really takes off, the most popular items could be distribute­d in stores across America and beyond.”

Meghan’s legal team has reportedly applied for “dozens” of product trademarks at the US Patent Office, from cookware and crockery to jams and savoury spreads. Also included are yoga mats, beach towels, soaps, jewellery, cosmetics, bird baths, bed dogs and stationery.

Her cookery cross-marketing comes as no surprise to her former commercial agent, Gina Nelthorpe-cowne, who said last week: “Everything Meghan does is carefully curated and forensical­ly planned.”

Los Angeles-based media financial analyst Mike Raia added: “By all accounts,

Meghan is positionin­g her new brand much closer to the wholesome, family-oriented style of Martha Stewart than the risque appeal of Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop.”

 ?? Pictures: PA; TODAY SHOW ?? SERVING UP A TREAT: Meghan helps cook to help local community after the Grenfell Tower blaze and, right, with Matt Lauer on the Today Show
Pictures: PA; TODAY SHOW SERVING UP A TREAT: Meghan helps cook to help local community after the Grenfell Tower blaze and, right, with Matt Lauer on the Today Show

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