Sunday Express

Time for the Royal Family and for ‘staying with pain’


WHERE do we turn when darkness threatens? Perhaps this is a place you find yourself in today, through illness, bereavemen­t or disappoint­ment?

Do we “pack up our troubles in our old kit bag and smile, smile, smile”, as the old song said?

“Displaceme­nt activity” is certainly very appealing and, in the short term, can be effective too.

This Easter our thoughts and prayers are very much with our Royal Family as King Charles makes his most significan­t public appearance for a while to attend an Easter Service atwindsor Castle after his recent cancer diagnosis.

The Princess ofwales also released a moving video in which she courageous­ly spoke about her own cancer diagnosis.

I lost both my parents to cancer. My go-to coping mechanism was keeping busy. It can be hard to “stay with the pain”.

There is one funeral which will forever stay engraved on my heart.

This was a funeral 20 years ago I took for baby Ethan (not his real name) who died at five months old.

Every untimely death is tragic but there was an added layer of pain.the family had suffered the awful murder of his older sister 10 years previously.

Baby Ethan had been the long-awaited light in the darkness for the bereaved parents.and now that tiny candle of hope had been unbearably snuffed out.

The church was packed.there was absolutely no answer for what had happened.

The Bible reading at the service took on fresh meaning.

Jesus’s words from the cross, just before His death as He cried out in heart-wrenching agony, were: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Mark 15:34)

There was only silence.there was no answer.

But I believe that darkness did not have the last word.

I believe that three days later, on the first Easter Day, God brought Jesus back from the dead – living and breathing.

Death and pain and darkness did not have the last word.and mysterious­ly, because of Jesus’s death, Christians believe that death and pain and darkness do not and

‘Do not lose faith or hope’

will not have the last word for our lives, our communitie­s, our nations or our world.

God is not silent in our suffering. He’s not busy with displaceme­nt activity, avoiding our heartwrenc­hing questions.

I believe that in Jesus, God literally comes into our pain and suffering and darkness. He shares our wounds, our heartbreak, our tragic untimely death.

So that if we cling on to Jesus, He will take us through the darkness, to life. Life which starts now. He took on our pain, our suffering, our death. He went to the darkest place of hell. But that was not the end of the story.

On this Easter day, yes there will be displaceme­nt activities, all good in their own ways: Chocolate eggs, Easter egg hunts, Easter bunnies.

I have also placed my order for a sunny Bank Holiday!

But here’s a dare for you. On the first Easter day, Jesus’s friend Mary was beside herself with grief when she arrived to find His tomb empty.

She made the only reasonable conclusion – someone had stolen His body.

She called His friends Peter and John.they went back to their work. More displaceme­nt activity! But Mary stayed at the tomb.

She stayed with her pain.and that’s when she saw the angels.and that’s when she heard Jesus calling her name (John 21 in the Bible).

So I dare you to stay with your pain. I dare you to cry out to God.

I dare you to let yourself be found by Jesus who is sharing your wounds, your heartbreak, your pain.

As the Princess ofwales put it: “Please do not lose faith or hope. You are not alone.”

So try joining a church family (visit www.achurchnea­

Don’t be alone. Sack off the displaceme­nt activity. Stay with the pain.and I’ll bet that’s when you will see angels. I’ll bet you hear Jesus calling your name. Death does not have the last word.

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