Sunday Express

‘Victory in Midlands would give Rishi hope for election’


A CONSERVATI­VE victory in the West Midlands on May 2 will show the general election is still winnable for Rishi Sunak, according to Tory Mayor Andy Street.

He is battling to retain the role he has held since his surprise win in 2017, when he narrowly beat a Labour candidate.

And the 60-year-old said: “If we win then the message would be it’s not inevitable that Starmer is going to be Prime Minister.

“If Keir Starmer can’t win here it would put a huge question mark over the outcome of the general election, which parts of the media seem very certain about but voters might yet have an opinion on.”

Sir Keir chose Dudley in thewest Midlands for the national launch of his local election campaign, suggesting he has high hopes of unseating Mr Street.

Council elections are taking place on the same day and Labour also hopes to gain control of the Conservati­ve-led local authority, providing a springboar­d in the race for No10.

‘People want someone with skills to do job’

Dudley, like much of the West Midlands, contains a number of marginal seats that the Tories took from Labour in the 2005 and 2010 general elections, and Sir Keir now hopes to regain.

Mr Street said: “This is a very high-profile campaign for the Labour Party nationally.

“If they don’t knock us over, it sends a huge message.”

The mayor, a former boss of John Lewis, is accused by his political opponents of distancing himself from the Conservati­ve Party – and Labour points out his publicity material is green rather than Tory blue.

Mr Street insists he is proud to be a Conservati­ve but also admits the path to victory depends on people voting for the individual rather than the party.

“Labour don’t like it because their strategy is to make this a Lab-con fight. But that is not what mayoral elections are about. People want somebody with the skills to do the job. I’m a proud Conservati­ve and always have been. That doesn’t mean I agree with everything this government does.

“There have been one or two fallings-out where the man has to stand up for the region against the party.”

The most high-profile disagreeme­nt with the leadership has been over the Prime Minister’s decision to scrap the northern leg of HS2, which Mr Street had championed.

Along with Greater Manchester’s Labour mayor Andy Burnham, he has drawn up plans for an alternativ­e rail line to be constructe­d along the same route but funded largely by the private sector.

Electorall­y, he believes he will be helped by the financial problems facing Birmingham, where the Labour-run council has brought the city to the brink of bankruptcy. It allows him to highlight what he calls sound financial management at the separate regional-wide council, taking in Wolverhamp­ton, Coventry and as well Birmingham, Dudley and other towns, which he runs.

Mr Street insists “levelling up” is very much alive and well in the West Midlands, despite Sir Keir’s claim during his campaign launch that Dudley is missing out.

The town is receiving investment of £1billion from the public and private sector, made possible largely by the £450million extension of the West Midlands Metro light rail scheme which is due to open in December. This will

connect the centre of Dudley with Birmingham, Wolverhamp­ton and towns including West Bromwich, with services planned for Solihull.

A warehouse-like bus terminal has been demolished to make way for a £24million Metro tram interchang­e. The improved transport links have attracted developmen­ts such as a medical school and an ice rink which will double as a 3,500-seater concert venue.

Local businessma­n Jeremy Knight-adams is developing a £50million housing project on derelict land near the terminal, and says this is only viable thanks to the Metro.

He said: “I can’t stress strongly enough how much it has changed things.”

Mayor Andy Street hopes to
retain power
Picture: ROWAN GRIFFITHS STREET FIGHT: Mayor Andy Street hopes to retain power

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