Sunday Express

‘We will never play fast and loose with your finances’


DIGNITY. Respect. Security. Those words define my values. They define the changed Labour Party I lead. And they are the least that our country’s pensioners deserve.

I firmly believe that if you spend your lifetime working hard and contributi­ng to society, you deserve a comfortabl­e, secure retirement.

It was that belief that meant the last Labour government introduced winter fuel payments, free bus passes and pension credits. It’s how we lifted more than a million pensioners out of poverty.

Respect has not been driving the Conservati­ves as they’ve toyed with breaking the triple lock.

Britain’s pensioners deserve better. They deserve certainty, and for politician­s to be straight with them so they can plan their lives.

That’s why I’m guaranteei­ng that the pensions triple lock will be in the Labour manifesto and protected for the duration of the next parliament.

That guarantee will ensure pensioners can enjoy their golden years. Money to spend on the grandkids, on days out, on holidays – all the things that bring colour to our lives.

It will also boost the pensions of working-age people as they look forward to their own retirement­s.

I reject the arguments of those who say the triple lock needs to go because we can no longer afford to protect pensioners. Travelling around the country each week, I see why it matters.

For the 84-year-old woman I met in Dewsbury who wasn’t getting out of bed because she couldn’t afford to put the heating on, we can’t afford not to do it.

For the veterans who’ve dedicated their careers to our country, they deserve the same security in retirement, as they’ve given us in their service.

Underminin­g the security of pensioners is the Tories’ unfunded £46billion plan to scrap National insurance.

For months, I have asked Rishi Sunak how he is paying for his promise. He’s repeatedly refused to say.

Conservati­ve recklessne­ss has already cost families too much, with more households every month still paying the price through soaring mortgages.

I won’t stand by and let more chaos cost British pensioners, which is why

I’ve asked him on multiple occasions to rule out cutting the state pension. Each time, he’s refused.

Sunday Express readers are no fools. With 25 tax rises in the last five years alone, and despite what they try to tell you, no economic growth to talk of,

Rishi Sunak and the Tories will have to reach for the tax lever once again to pay for their unfunded promise.

And they’ll wait until after the election before admitting it.

Labour won’t stand for it. We will never play fast and loose with your finances. We will never leave you in limbo.

It is why I make no excuse for ensuring that every promise I make is fully funded. It’s why I’ll tell you when we can’t afford it.

And its why you can trust me when I promise to guarantee the pensions triple lock.

Alongside the triple lock, Labour will cut NHS waiting lists, bring down energy bills for good, improve buses, rail services and get a grip of crime.

Together, it all adds up to a proper plan that will mean a better, brighter future for pensioners. A future built on dignity, respect, security.

 ?? Picture: DANNY LAWSON/PA ??

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