Sunday Express

Nadine Matheson


London-born solicitor turned best-selling author Nadine, 45, is best known for her Inspector Anjelica Henley thriller series.

What was your first TV memory?

My dad was an electronic engineer so it was him repairing a TV set. But as a viewer it was kids’ shows like Button Moon and Pigeon Street.

What was your first TV appearance?

It was ten years ago. I’d joined an extras agency and it was in an episode of Kiefer Sutherland’s series 24 that was filmed in London. I was in the background in Borough Market one night and it was freezing cold. I thought, never again!

Who was your first TV crush?

Michael J. Fox. I loved him on Family Ties. I remember having his poster on my bedroom wall.

What is your favourite current show?

Slow Horses – it’s so good. I binged all three seasons. I know the author Mick Heron and he’s just the nicest person. I can’t believe I left it so long to watch.

Which TV show would you take to a desert island?

Frasier! I love it. I binged on that during lockdown. Frasier presents himself as this intelligen­t, cultured man but he gets into such ridiculous situations. There’s warmth to him too. I would go out with Frasier.

What TV show would you like to put out of its misery?

Naked Attraction. I don’t get it. I don’t understand why anyone would go on it. It’s horrible. And Love Island. I can’t cope with that emotionall­y.

Guiltiest TV pleasure?

I love Four In A Bed. It’s funny. I like the passive-aggressive­ness and the way people get wound up about sausages. But who climbs up to look behind the back of a cupboard? The crazy things they do!

What are you up to at the moment?

I’m promoting my new book The Kill List and working on the fourth book in the Inspector Henley series. I’m also interviewi­ng authors for my podcast The

Conversati­on with

Nadine Matheson.

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 ?? ?? The Kill List by Nadine Matheson (HQ, £16.99) is out now in hardback.
The Kill List by Nadine Matheson (HQ, £16.99) is out now in hardback. GARRY BUSHELL

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