Sunday Express

Cruise news



Paris has launched its “electrifyi­ng” new musical show Alice & the Queen of Hearts: Back to Wonderland at the Theater of the Stars in Walt Disney Studios Park, promising “to transport guests of all ages down the rabbit hole”. On until September 29. disneyland­

P&O has axed Malta’s Maleth Aero airline as flights partner for its winter 2024-25 Caribbean season on Britannia and Arvia – replacing it with TUI Airways, Norse Atlantic Airways and Virgin Atlantic.

Both TUI and Norse have Boeing 787 Dreamliner­s with economy and premium economy cabins, while Virgin’s Airbus

A350s also feature business class and all offer compliment­ary food and drink. Prices start from £1,399pp for 14 nights out of Barbados in November. Last winter some passengers complained that Maleth had no premium economy seats or in-flight entertainm­ent. ■■Busy times for Marella Discovery 2 – the line has announced that the 1,832 passenger ship will homeport out of Malaga from early November for a short series of winter sailings, then reposition to

Tenerife and Gran Canaria from December to March before heading to Limassol, Cyprus, for summer 2025.

A family-friendly ‘portal’ will debut at Carnival’s Celebratio­n Key private island in The Bahamas in July 2025. Starfish Lagoon will feature floating cabanas, two 350ft long water slides, a 10-storey high Suncastle, a coral reef themed play area, and a sports court offering volleyball, basketball and pickleball.


Airways is taking a shine to Norwegian northern lights hotspot Tromso next winter. A Heathrow service starts on December 1 with return flights starting at £153 and three-night aurora spotting packages with 23kg baggage from £379pp.

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