Sunday Express - S

Getting the glow

Book in for a FREE skin consultati­on with Lloydsphar­macy


Bad skin days aren’t just for teenagers, they’re something we can all experience – at any age – especially after winter. Even if you think you know yourself well it can be tricky to decide exactly what type of skin you have – whether it’s oily, dry, combinatio­n or sensitive – and what will suit it best.

Having healthy skin can be a real confidence booster and just a few simple changes can ease you out of a regime rut and into glowing, great-looking skin.

Start by having a make-up bag sort-out because it’s easy to take what’s in there for granted and not give it the TLC it needs.

Remember that make-up brushes come into contact with your face most days so keeping brushes clean is as important as having a regular cleansing routine for your skin.

Your make-up brushes come into contact with lots of surfaces every day in your make-up bag, on a dressing table – or at the bottom of your handbag.

It’s here that they may pick up bacteria that can be transferre­d to your skin and even into the make-up itself, which can cause spots. So, try to clean your make-up brushes at least once a week to keep bacteria to a minimum and throw out any make-up that’s past its expiration date.

There are two golden rules for make-up itself: go easy with it on a bad skin day and always take it off at night, even if it’s the last thing you feel like doing!

When your skin isn’t feeling great don’t be tempted to put on more make-up as a cover-up. Wearing no make-up might not be an option but stick to products that are appropriat­e for your skin and allow it to breathe.

If you’ve got oily skin choose an oil-free product, like a powder or mineral-based make-up, but if you have dry skin then more oil-based products may suit you. Another secret to glowing skin is simpler still… water.

There are lots of reasons why staying hydrated

is a good idea. Everything our body does depends on it, but healthy skin is definitely high up the list.

Skin cells are largely made up of water but they’re actually the last part of us that water reaches when we drink so our skin can easily become dehydrated which results in dryness, tightness or flaking.

When skin dries out it tends to become less resilient and more prone to wrinkles, so a really good way to keep fine lines at bay is by making sure you drink enough water to reach it and keep it hydrated. A good guideline is two to three litres a day.

If you want to take a holistic approach to skincare, start by finding out what’s going on under the surface: Lloydsphar­macy can help uncover all your skin’s secrets with a FREE skin consultati­on.

This will measure hydration levels and then, if you want to find out more, you can book a complete analysis to give you a full scientific assessment of your skin.

The skin analysis uses innovative technology to assess hydration, ph, elasticity, melanin, sebum and temperatur­e – which can help you to answer any questions you might have about your skin.

Lloydsphar­macy healthcare experts can use the results to suggest what you can do to improve your skin and advice about products and treatments that are tailored to your skin type – helping to cleanse, tone, treat and moisturise it.

And if you’re worried about anything – from ageing to sun damage – they’re on hand to give you reassuranc­e and tips that will set you on the path to healthier skin. Lloydsphar­macy offers a FREE in store Skin Analysis Service*. A skin analysis machine can measure elasticity, hydration, oil (sebum), pigmentati­on and skin age, then trained healthcare experts can recommend products and give tailored skincare advice to help target any concerns such as dryness, ageing, pigmentati­on or blemishes.

 ??  ?? A few simple changes can get you out of your skincare routine rut
A few simple changes can get you out of your skincare routine rut

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