Sunday Mail (UK)

I went on a brandy bender after Top Gear crashed but I’m not a problem boozer and my marriage is fine

- Emma Pryer

Chris Evans insists he does not have a drink problem and went on an afternoon brandy binge to celebrate being free of the pressure of fronting Top Gear.

Concern is growing for the 50-year-old Radio 2 DJ after he was pictured swigging brandy from a bottle and urinating by the side of a motorway.

But the star has told friends he was just “letting his hair down” after months of criticism over his conduct on the show.

Evans has a lso angrily denied claims his marriage is on the rocks.

A source said: “Chris realised straight after he got out of the car he had made a silly mistake and he has apologised but this is not Chris having some sort of breakdown.

“He does drink but he has not got a drink problem. It is ridiculous that anyone should think that. He has gone 100 days before now without a drink.”

The broadcaste­r was forced to make a public apology yesterday after the embarrassi­ng pictures of him surfaced.

The images on Thursday captured Evans exiting a car on the M4 and urinating at the side of the road as members of the public looked on from a traffic jam.

He was also pictured drinking from a £35 bottle of Remy Martin VSOP cognac as his people carrier stopped on the hard shoulder.

Two days earlier, on Tuesday, Evans was spotted enjoying some time alone in the sunshine outside a north London pub.

Looking unshaven and with his sunglasses perched on his head, he appeared absorbed as he read The Pressure Principle by performanc­e coach Dr Dave Alred.

His brandy binge is the latest in a string of lows for Evans. As well as his Top Gear departure, Evans has a historic sex allegation hanging over his head.

He may now face more uncertaint­y over his future with BBC bosses. But the pal added: “Radio 2 is the job he really loves. It’s a complete joy for him and he’s very happy doing that now. He’s not in a bad place at all.

“He’s just come back from a 10-day family holiday in Portugal and is happier and more at ease than he has been in months.

“He’s finally put behind him the ridiculous level of pressure that was heaped on his shoulders by critics of Top Gear.

“He was just letting his hair down. It’s just a shame that he’s still being vilified.”

It’s also been claimed that the pressure of facing so much negativity has put a strain on his nine-year marriage to ex-golfer Natasha Shishmania­n, 35.

But a Top Gear pal insisted: “She was there at every recording and has always supported him, just like she is now.”

The friend says the only genuine concern Chris has had recently is the failing health of his beloved mum Minnie, 91.

The former Big Breakfast star lives 20 minutes away from her and visits several times a week.

A source said: “She has been in and out of hospital over the past few months and of course that’s upsetting for Chris.”

On Friday, Chris issued a statement about the photos.

He said: “Myself and several col leagues and friends had finished lunch in London and were travelling back to Berkshire in a private hire car together.

“A journey that usually takes 45 minutes to an hour took almost twice that. My bladder, not being as robust as it once was, could no longer take the strain and I had to go.

“I apologise profusely if I have caused anyone any offence and take full responsibi­lity for the matter.”

The broadcaste­r, worth an estimated £55million, quit Top Gear on July 4 after bullying accusation­s and criticism that he wasn’t as engaging as his co-presenter Matt LeBlanc.

On the same day, police confirmed they were due to question him over a historic sex allegation. His TFI Friday show was also axed after one comeback series.

Chris was just letting his hair down. He is very happy

 ??  ?? BINGE Drinking on the M4 UNITED Chris and his wife Natasha at a film premiere in London in 2012. He denies his marriage is in trouble STOP GEAR With co-host Matt LeBlanc and The Stig
BINGE Drinking on the M4 UNITED Chris and his wife Natasha at a film premiere in London in 2012. He denies his marriage is in trouble STOP GEAR With co-host Matt LeBlanc and The Stig

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