Sunday Mail (UK)

Lies, damned lies, and Donald Trump speeches


Yes, it was the dawn of Beef. For those of you unfamiliar with Beef, let me fill you in. Andrew “Beef ” Johnston is a 27-year- old profession­al golfer from Barnet, north London.

I first became aware of him a few months back, during the US Open, when Butch Harmon said: “And there’s Beef. Boy, I love this guy.”

The camera cut to an unlikely f igure walking down the fairway – some 16st in weight, with the proverbial beard you could lose a badger in and a big goofy grin, looking for all the world like he’d won the lottery just by being there. Immediatel­y I Googled “Beef Johnston”.

There was a clip of him getting a hole in one at a tournament, where he celebrates by running across the fairway and doing a mid-air chest bump with a mate who emerges from the crowd.

There was a clip of his post-round interview after winning the Spanish Open in May, where he’s asked what his plans were. This is the point where pro golfers talk seriously about hard work and all that stuff.

“Well,” Beef said, “I’m gonna get absolutely hammered, mate.”

It was clear – the man is a sporting god.

When I got to Troon and met up with my friends, I told them in no uncertain terms – forget Phil, forget Stenson, we’re following Beef. As he passed by us coming off the second tee, we all encouraged him with a hearty scream of “C’MON BEEF!”

Where most pro golfers respond to this kind of stuff with a barely perceptibl­e nod or a slight wave or even a scowl, Beef cracked into a broad grin, held up his thumb and said: “Cheers, lads!”

He continued to greet spectators this way for the entire weekend. Did it interfere with his concentrat­ion? Did it take him out of “the zone”? Not a bit – by one point during the final round, Beef was seven under par and tied for third place.

In the end, he finished in eighth place – getting a six-figure cheque, a number of Inevitably, on a darker note, last week the unthinkabl­e finally became real, Donald Trump officially became the Republican presidenti­al nominee.

The world’s biggest liar accepted the job with a speech packed with lies. He said “the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end”. It won’t. It will get worse.

He said again he’ll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it. He won’t and they won’t. He said…does exemptions to play in other tournament­s, a place well inside the world top 100 and a spot at this week’s USPGA. With his win in Spain and his top 50 finish at the US Open, it will already be at least a half-million-pound year for Beef. This is remarkable for a golfer who has said that, just a couple of years back, he could not afford to buy Christmas presents for his family. But it is not just the fact that Beef can smash a driver 300 yards down the middle in high wind or chip like a demon that drew huge crowds to watch him. It is the fact that, for the first time in a long time, here is a player bringing back something we see so very little of in profession­al golf and something we all need very badly now – joy. Not since John Daly or Lee Trevino has there been a golfer who energises crowds this way, who looks like playing golf is something other than a gruelling version of hell. Post-Tiger and then post-Rory golf became all it really matter what he says at this point? This man, challenged over an inconsiste­ncy last week, said: “I don’t care.”

“I don’t care” – a classic line of the cold-hearted bully. Of the tyrant.

Can you imagine Obama about athleticis­m, the gym, perfect abs, high-protein diets (you suspect Beef’s idea of high protein is getting extra cheese on that burger) and serious interviews that, no matter how well the guy played, always seem to end with statements like, “I’m going to the range to work on some things.”

Beef is more likely to say he’s going to meet his mates to work on a case of lagers.

In a world where most profession­al sportsmen have all the humanity of a robot called PR-BOT 101, Beef is, as Butch Harmon said, “a breath of fresh air”.

This is not to demean the man or reduce him to a cartoon. Beef is clearly a very serious golfer – incredibly talented with a huge future. But he’s bringing the fun back to golf like no one I can remember.

He’s also bringing back something else for spectators. As you watch Rory or Stenson, their perfect physiques wrapped in their photo-perfect finishing positions, you think, “Nah, not me.” Watching Beef at Troon, I bet there were a lot of high handicappe­rs thinking, “I could do that.”

They can’t, of course. Beef ’s talent is immense. But there will have been a lot of mad hackers getting their clubs out of the attic after watching him. There will have been a lot of kids on driving ranges and golf courses this past week pretending to be Beef.

And that’s just what golf needs now – more Beef. Don’t go changing, mate. saying it? Obama will go down in history as one of America’s great presidents.

Trump will appear to future generation­s as being great at one thing – one of the greatest embarrassm­ents in American history.

 ??  ?? WELL DONE Star Beef

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