Sunday Mail (UK)

Within a few months, I had a liver transplant, had my baby and lost my baby. After all that has happened, I can’t believe I’m a mum again

- To join the donor register, visit weneedever­ Heather Greenaway

As she gazes down at her beautiful baby, Laura Milby’s heart bursts with happiness – because Emma is the daughter she never dreamed she would have.

Two years ago, the 32-year- old made history when she became the first person in Scotland to have a liver transplant while pregnant.

Three months after her life-saving surgery, Laura, of Govan, Glasgow, gave birth to a little girl, Kate, who weighed in at just 3lb.

Kate was born with a congenital brain disease and died 37 days later, leaving her family devastated and Laura fearing she would never become a mum again.

But last week heartache turned to joy with the safe arrival of 7lb 9oz Emma, who was delivered by emergency C-section on Monday at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth hospital.

Laura, who is also mum to Sarah, six, said: “I can’t quite believe she is here – she is just perfect.

“For the last two years, my life has been like a rollercoas­ter that I could not stop or get off. In just a few months, I received a liver transplant, had a baby and lost a baby.

“Becoming a mum again has given us all a reason to smile. Emma is our ray of sunshine. The pain of losing Kate will never go away but our baby’s safe arrival has brightened up our lives.”

Lau ra , who is married to project manager David, 32, added: “I will always be a mum-of-three. It just so happens that one of my angels is only here in spirit.

“Sarah sti l l talks about her little sister who was only here for such a short time and Emma’s middle name is Kate so there is no way she will ever be forgotten.

“I’m going to get a little blanket made with Kate’s photo on it so her sisters will always feel wrapped in her love.”

Laura, who had to have an emergency liver transplant in 2014 when she was 18 weeks’ pregnant, admits she offers up a silent thank you every day to the selfless stranger who gave her a special gift.

She said: “Through everything that’s happened, there is not a day that goes by when I don’t think about the amazing donor who saved my life and Kate’s life and gave us the opportunit­y to know her, even if it was just for a little while.

“Now that same person has given me Emma. I can’t thank them enough. I am sure their family would be proud and comforted to know the happiness their loss has brought.”

In December 2013, when she was just three months pregnant, Laura went to the doctor complainin­g of itchy skin, a symptom she thought was related to her pregnancy.

After being referred to Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital for a series of tests, her condition became critical over Christmas and she was transferre­d to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh suffering acute liver failure. Laura was placed on the

The pain of losing Kate will never go away but Emma is our ray of sunshine

super-urgent transplant list despite being pregnant – which is extremely rare – and was sent for surgery the next day when a donor became available.

Thanks to the skill of Professor John Forsythe, Scotland’s top organ transplant clinician, and his surgical team in Edinburgh, the operation was a success.

Laura spent a month in hospital recovering and being monitored. Her condition was diagnosed as non- A- E hepatitis, although its cause is unknown.

But the family’s joy was short-lived as an ultrasound scan at 26 weeks revealed their baby was suffering from microcepha­ly, which meant her brain was not growing. Laura was given the option to terminate the pregnancy but she refused.

Kate was delivered by C-section on April 23, 2014, but passed away on May 30. Laura admits that, after falling pregnant with Emma, she was paranoid something would go wrong.

She said: “I still wake up in the night terrified Emma won’t be there in the morning but she is healthy and the midwives say I have nothing to worry about.”

Laura added: “If my beautiful daughter is not a good reason to sign up to the organ donation register, I don’t know what is.

“Most of my family and friends have signed up. They have seen the difference it can make.”

 ??  ?? JOY Laura, main pic, with Emma. Above, with Sarah and David
JOY Laura, main pic, with Emma. Above, with Sarah and David

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