Sunday Mail (UK)


- Mark McLaughlin

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf has been urged by Labour to intervene in the dispute between unions and ScotRail.

RMT members opposed to driver- only trains will stage another two days of strike action today and next Sunday after talks through conciliati­on service Acas failed.

Scottish Labour transport spokesman Neil Bibby urged Yousaf to broker a deal.

He s a id : “The SNP Government should start to take seriously the real concerns of ScotRail staff and get a gr ip of this situation. The Transport Minister should publicly intervene and meet with the parties in dispute in order to reach an end to this industrial stalemate.”

Transport Scotland said their officials and Yousaf have “engaged with both sides throughout to find a solution”.

A spokesman added: “We would call on both parties to get around the table and f ind a way to end these strikes once and for all.

“The Scottish Government’s resilience committee have met regularly to ensure that proper planning and contingenc­y measures have been in effect to minimise disruption for passengers.”

RMT, who want guards to be in control of opening and closing doors, claim safety is at the heart of the dispute.

ScotRail say 59 per cent of customers already travel on trains where the doors are safely operated by the driver.

 ?? MINISTER Yousaf ??

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