Sunday Mail (UK)

Green light for T in Park rival gig


Twin Atlantic frontman Sam McTrusty believes TRNSMT can become an annual event even if T in the Park returns.

The 29-year- old singer told the Sunday Mail he and bandmates Ross McNae, Barry McKenna and Craig Kneale jumped at the chance to play the new Glasgow Green weekender from July 7 to 9.

While he can’t wait to get back to performing at T, he feels Scotland has plenty of scope to host both annually.

Sam sa id : “I think TRNSMT could become a yearly thing alongside T.

“It’s all really credible artists. Maybe they’re testing the water to see if they can keep the muso crowd happy with this.

“It’s easier to get to than T, sl ightly older crowd maybe, so they could do both for different crowds.

“The main thing is TRNSMT has one of the best bills we have ever been on, and we have played a lot of festivals.

“On our stage, every other band has had multiple No1 albums.

“It’s nice the organisers DF have given a nod to us, rememberin­g their roots with a local band.

“Obviously it was really easy for us to say yes – the line up, plus it is two minutes from where I stay, 30 seconds from where all our gear is.

“We didn’t even think about it.”

Twin’s latest album, GLA, is all about their home city – and was written and demoed in their rehearsal space just seconds from Glasgow Green.

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