Sunday Mail (UK)


Winner Kids under 18 shouldn’t be allowed to win so I’m taking action against EuroMillio­ns


Teenage EuroMillio­ns winner Jane Park has revealed she wants to sue Lotto bosses for “ruining her life”.

Jane was 17 when she scooped £1million after getting lucky with her first ticket in 2013.

She is planning to take legal action against EuroMillio­ns for negligence, claiming someone her age shouldn’t have been allowed to win.

Now 21, the wealthy property investor admits she thought winning the jackpot would make her life “10 times better”. Instead, she insists it “became 10 times worse”.

In an incredible interview, Jane even says sometimes she wishes she “had never won at all”.

Her frank admission comes days after she pled not guilty to a drink- driving charge at a McDonald’s in her home city of Edinburgh.

Whi le most of her f riends are struggling to make ends meet, Jane insists life is more stressful for her – because she was saddled with the burden of a being a millionair­e as a teenager.

Despite owning two homes, Jane says the win has even taken the fun out of shopping because she can afford anything she wants.

Stressing that life isn’t all “Champagne and sparkles”, she even moans that being able to afford luxury holidays to hotspots such as the Maldives is not fun as older people at resorts look down on her for getting “hammered”.

Jane is now consulting with solicitors about taking legal action against the owners of EuroMillio­ns, saying the age limit should be raised from 16.

In a comment that will leave those on the breadline furious, she said: “People look at me and think, ‘ I wish I had her lifestyle, I wish I had her money,’ but they don’t realise the extent of my stress.

“They don’t know what they’re wishing for. They would need to spend some time in my shoes to understand.

“I have material things but, apart from that, my life is empty. What is my purpose in life?”

She added: “I think 18 should be the minimum age for winning the lottery, at the least. The current age of 16 is far too young.

“At times, it feels like winning the lottery has ruined my life. I thought it would make it 10 times better but it’s made it 10 times worse.

“Most days, I wish I had no money. I say to myself, ‘My life would be so much easier if I hadn’t won.’ And if I had won £100million, it would have been 100 times worse than this.”

When she won in 2013, Jane toasted her win with Irn-Bru as she was too young to drink. She was working in a temporary admin job and living with her mum Linda in a two-bedroom flat in a council estate in Niddrie, Edinburgh.

She said: “I wasn’t allowed a bottle of Champagne, so I got Irn-Bru in a glass. But I was given £1million, how does that add up?”

Four years on, she feels she never really understood what difference the money would make to her life.

Jane said: “My nana said when I first got the money, ‘ You might as well have given her a gun.’ I was like, ‘Nana, what are you talking about? This is the best thing ever.’

“Now, I totally agree with her. She was saying you can’t give a 17-year- old that amount of money.”

Camelot, who run the EuroMillio­ns in the UK, appointed an adviser to help Jane manage her finances.

But she insists it was only her common sense and sage family advice that stopped her blowing it all in a month.

Jane said: “I’ve read about other lottery winners who have blown it all and I can totally see how it can be done.

“I was stuck in front of a financial adviser who was using words such as investment bonds. I had no clue what they meant.

“I was appointed a Camelot representa­tive but I can’t even remember her name.”

While Jane bought property thanks to family advice, she also splashed out on some treats – including the Louis Vuitton handbag she still uses today.

She also bought a chihuahua, Princess, who didn’t last quite so long.

She added: “My dog stays with my auntie but I still go and see her. At the time, there was too much going on – she didn’t like my car and I didn’t have time for her.”

Her car, a purple Range Rover, has also been a disappoint­ment. She said: “It was flashy and people were always looking at me but it was far too big.”

Jane has had holidays to the US and the Maldives but prefers Benidorm and Magaluf.

She said: “I don’t go on holiday that much, about four times a year.

“I wait until my friends can go. Although I’ve been to the Maldives, I much prefer

I don’t go on holiday that much, about four times a year. I wait until my friends can go

Benidorm because nobody is looking down at you. You can get as drunk as you want. “In the Maldives, you can’t go and get absolutely hammered and crawl back to your water bungalow. It was more older, honey mooney.” The win has also impacted on her love life. She had an 18-month relationsh­ip which ended in a bitter row last year. And she worries she will never know if a man really likes her. She said: “With the last one, I showered him with gifts. I thought it would make him happy. I bought him a Rolex, a car, clothes every week. I regret it all.” Jane has a weakness for shoes and bags. And despite saying she dislikes the money, she bought herself £4500 breast implants when she was 18 and admits she would have had more work if surgeons had allowed it. She said: “I wanted a quick fix for my weight but when I spoke to a surgeon, he said I wasn’t overweight enough to have liposuctio­n. “I would have had liposuctio­n in my thighs then maybe my belly and my arms – that’s how easy it could have spiralled out of control.” But Jane did lose control in other parts of her life. Last May, she was fined £110 for assaulting bouncer Lee Rutherford at Edinburgh’s City nightclub. Next month, she is set to stand trial for being three times over the limit in her BMW at a McDonald’s drive thru, a charge she strenuousl­y denies. Speaking about the assault she was fined for, she said: “It could be anyone making these silly decisions but it’s 10 times harder on me than on someone who has not won the lottery.

“It’s my own stupid fault. I should have walked away from the situation but I was young, had all this money, was going out all the time and got caught up in a moment.”

Jane parties about three times a week, in Edinburgh and Glasgow, with the same pals she had before her life changed.

But she said: “If I’m sitting there with a bottle of vodka or Champagne, people in the club think, ‘ She’s sitting there thinking she’s Billy Bigtime.’ It does upset me a wee bit.”

Jane loves posting glamorous snaps of herself on Instagram and calls herself “Jane Sexual Park” on Twitter. She also likes to tweet about her favourite football team Hibs.

However, she says trolls have left her depressed. She said: “It’s the usual stuff: ‘ You’re fat, you’re ugly, you look s**t.’

“The worst was when I said I’d help a young boy who was sick and pay for him to go to Florida.

“A couple of folk said I was just doing it for publicity. That was too far. The boy was literally dying and I went out of my way to do something nice.”

Jane initially moved into her own home but decided to move back into a small flat with her mum – because she does everything for her, including her laundry.

She often wonders what her life would be like if she hadn’t won the money.

She said: “I feel like I’m a 40-year- old. I’ve got to deal with these problems as they come, that’s my life now and I can’t change it.”

Jane has said she will donate any compensati­on from her legal action against Euro-Millions to charity.

 ??  ?? FED UP Jane Park says winning £1million in EuroMillio­ns at 17 has made her life harder, not easier Pic David Johnstone
FED UP Jane Park says winning £1million in EuroMillio­ns at 17 has made her life harder, not easier Pic David Johnstone
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 ??  ?? WIN THE MONEY Jane in August 2013 LIVING THE FRY LIFE Jane, in 2015, working in a chippy as she was “bored”ored” SPLASHING OUT Jane with her chihuahua Princess and her favourite Louis Vuitton handbag
WIN THE MONEY Jane in August 2013 LIVING THE FRY LIFE Jane, in 2015, working in a chippy as she was “bored”ored” SPLASHING OUT Jane with her chihuahua Princess and her favourite Louis Vuitton handbag

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