Sunday Mail (UK)


- Geoff Hurst


The Sunday Mail last week helped launch the Billy McNeill Fund – a major fundraisin­g drive that aims to raise £100,000 for Alzheimer Scotland.

At least three of Sir Geoff ’s teammates from England’s 1966 squad have been hit with the devastatin­g brain disease.

Geoff, the only man to score a World Cup final hat-trick, is now an ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society charity.

The former West Ham striker scored twice against McNeill in a 4-1 England win over Scotland in 1969.

Geoff said: “My sympathy is with Billy’s family at this time and their brave decision, which I believe is the correct one, in going public with this.

“I’m particular­ly close with Martin Peters’ family so, from my experience, I know the d if f icu lt y in announcing the news that a family member has dementia.

“I r ememb e r playing against Billy in 1969. It was great to beat the Scots after they beat me in 1967 proclaimin­g themselves world champions, as that was my only defeat during my six years playing for England.

“What stood out both as a player I watched and seeing him personally was what a terrific guy he was. I’m sorry to hear that he has dementia.”

The England 1966 world champions have also been hit by the condition. Ray Wilson was f irst to be diagnosed in 2004, followed by Nobby Stiles in 2012 and Martin Peters in 2013.

Geoff has been particular­ly rocked by friend Martin’s illness.

He said: “It’s an awful disease. My best pal in football is Martin Peters, who scored the other goal in the 1966 final. I’ve been friends with Martin since I was 17.

“Our wives go back 50 years and they speak almost daily so I understand how difficult it is to live with somebody with dementia.”

Geoff and 1966 goalkeeper Gordon Banks – who is fighting kidney cancer – have signed up as ambassador­s for the Alzheimer’s Society.

Geoff said: “Banksy has been fighting cancer and I think there’s a huge difference between fighting a physical illness and dementia.

“You know with a physical illness that you’ve got a chance of recovering and Banksy is improving.

“But with dementia you know it’s only going to deteriorat­e.”

Footbal l has been accused of sticking its head in the sand over links to the illness.

The game has done little to fund research despite a coroner ruling in 2002 that former West Brom and England star Jeff Astle had died of an “industrial disease”.

Astle died at 59 after his brain had been ravaged by Chronic Traumatic Encephalop­athy (CTE) – a condition linked to dementia caused by blows to the head.

Geoff has also been backing the Jeff Astle Foundation – set up by Jeff’s daughter Dawn – and has fond memories of his ex-England teammate.

He said: “What a fantastic guy Jeff was – a real character. We were in the England squad together for the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, which is 5000ft above sea level.

“The squad were there about seven or eight days and the Duke of

 ??  ?? SUPPORT
 ??  ?? FIGHT Circled, from left, Nobby Stiles, Martin Peters and Ray Wilson, who all have dementia. Centre, captain Bobby Moore is held aloft by Geoff and Ray
FIGHT Circled, from left, Nobby Stiles, Martin Peters and Ray Wilson, who all have dementia. Centre, captain Bobby Moore is held aloft by Geoff and Ray
 ??  ?? RIVALS Billy, left, and Willie Johnston tackle Geoff in 1970. Left, Jeff Astle BATTLE Lisbon Lion legend Billy at home with his wife Liz
RIVALS Billy, left, and Willie Johnston tackle Geoff in 1970. Left, Jeff Astle BATTLE Lisbon Lion legend Billy at home with his wife Liz

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