Sunday Mail (UK)

It’s easier to catch lightning in bottle than stay optimistic about our clubs competing on Euro stage


Optimism. Such a strange, hazy state of mind in Scottish football.

One minute it’s there, crystal clear in your head, the next you’re reaching for it like the vague morning-after memory of a dream you know you had but will never recover.

Like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

This week? Sat down with Derek McInnes, Austin MacPhee, Neil McCann.

Left each of their grounds nodding my head, mainlining their enthusiasm for the season ahead, for the calibre of their recruitmen­t.

Aberdeen? Lord knows they need a centre-half at some point, maybe even two, but what’s not to love about a three off the front that includes Shaun Maloney, Ryan Christie and Kenny McLean? If they get Stevie May? Cherry on top.

Hearts? Christophe Berra, top signing, exactly what they need, but if they can recreate Michael O’Neill’s environmen­t for Kyle Lafferty, he could be the game changer for them.

Listening to MacPhee talk about the stimuli he needs to get the best out of him was like listening to a primary teacher talk about the kid in class they know is special but who needs more management than everyone else. But if he gets it, it’ll be worth it. Dundee? McCann seemed so comfortabl­e in his own skin with what he was doing.

His signings have all been middle to front, he was purring about the two-footedness of Rory Deacon, about how engaged Scott Allan was, about how cool it was to have a player called Randy in his team.

Actually, that last one was me. He just talked about how explosive a winger he was, how Randy Wolters had been recommende­d by the De Boers, Gio Van Bronckhors­t and Arthur Numan, and how his team would have no shackles on them when they had the ball.

And you walked out on to Sandeman Street lookingg forward to comingg back to see if that was true.e.

Is it just pre-seasonon v ibranc y andd hyperbole, or is it genuine optimism that there’s a real sea change?

And then you pick up the paper and see Tommy Wright admit thatt St Johnstone arere technicall­y inferioror to every side they play in Europe. Whoosh.h. Can’t… quite… reach… the…e opt…opt

Same at Ibrox on Thursday, to be fair. Saints’ defeat to the second best team from a country 48th in the European rankings and Rangers’ constipate­d 1-0 win over the fourth best team in the 46th-ranked nation are far from impressive.

But let’s be honest, it’s the same every year. We still use Europe as a benchmark for success, we still make qualifying for it the be all and end all of any quest in the top six. Yet when we get there we do nothing to change the Groundhog Day nature of our failures. This column first said nearly a decade ago that the sooner we realise July is the new August and do something to help our teams, the sooner we might have a chance. We’re now getting to the point where June is the new July – but every year we still arrive as unprepared as the year beforebefo and then seem shockshock­ed to lose to a side 16 games into their season. We consconsta­ntly skirt rouround the edges ooff cha n g e bubut ne v e r actactuall­y change ththe national disdiscour­se. ThThere are two diffediffe­rent things to adaddress. The first is prprepared­ness, the second is Wright’s point about whwhy our teams are ttechnical­lyhill deficient.dfii Both are fixable, in the short and long term, and the latter is at least being addressed, even if chunks of Project Brave are meeting the usual ‘man-mind-thyself ’ objections. But the former? If we attach an imperative to European games and increasing the co-efficient, and not just leaving it to Celtic to get to the groups and prop the entire country

Feels funny, this year, not going into Wimbledon riding the crest of an Andy Murray wave. Kind of like what tennis used to be. But as he showed in France it’s amazing what a bit of grim determinat­ion can do to supersede form and health. Doing it over seven games in 14 days with the weight of the nation on your shoulders, though, is a big ask even by his monumental standards.

up to an artificial­ly high 23rd place, then same input, same outcome isn’t going to get the job done.

If we want to change the narrative we must get fundamenta­l about it. We have to change philosophi­es.

St Johnstone aren’t going to improve technicall­y if they don’t care at a base level about player developmen­t.

The average age of their team last season was 29. On Thursday with the inclusion of 22-year-old debutant Ally Gilchrist (an age where he should have 150 games at his back, not the 50 he’s had on loan), it came down to 28. There’s no growth there.

In FK Trakai ’s team, they also had four players in their 30s, same as Saints, but the rest were all between 18 and 23, developing.

If every Scottish club, not just the few, believed in balancing their signings with emerging talent, giving them experience and belief at a young age, developing them into better, more Europe-ready players?

Maybe we could then start talking about optimism as a real thing rather than just a concept.

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