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Dr D Stewart explains the th physical science behind Ronaldo’s bicycle kick.

She said: “Ronaldo is an athlete in peak physical p condition with recent tests showing him to have less le body fat than even a Victoria’s Secret model. m

“By cutting down the th amount of weight he h is carrying, he has been able to increase b both his speed and endurancen e – his power-oto-weight p ratio.

“Powerful thigh and core muscles are a s n essential for not only thi e th this kind of jump but to have the power to almost alm float in the air.

“These muscles are used us to not only propel him off the ground but to overcome the act of gravity pulling him when wh he is in the air.

“His thigh circumfere­nce cir is reportedly rep 62cm, which wh is huge for a footballer foo considerin­g Chris Ch Hoy measures in at 68cm.

“Sports science testing several years ago showed him to be able to jump 44cm from a standing start and up to 78cm with a run-up – that is 7cm higher than an average NBA player.

“And he has become stronger and more powerful since these tests.

ae “The bicycle kick

et itself requires agility and flexibilit­y as well as power.

“Without getting too scientific, the motion of the bicycle kick builds momentum, allowing greater leg speed and greater force to be applied to the ball.

“Practising kicks like this in training is one thing but being able to put yourself in the right position at the right time is the gift of a great striker.”

 ??  ?? CRACKER Three views of the beautiful goal, left, right and above, and inset, expert Francisco Fardilha
CRACKER Three views of the beautiful goal, left, right and above, and inset, expert Francisco Fardilha

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