Sunday Mail (UK)




was in shock. You hear about these things but never think it will happen to you.”

After more tests, Alex was diagnosed with a rare condition called Infracardi­ac Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return and wheeled into the operating theatre. Surgeons spent 13 hours trying to correct his heart defect.

Katy said: “Seeing your tiny baby on a trolley, hooked up to machines and drips, not knowing if he will even survive the operation, is just unimaginab­le.

“It didn’t feel real because I was in such a deep state of shock and exhausted from my labour just two days before.”

For the next 20 days, Alex was cared for in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, kept alive by machines, while Katy and Richard kept a vigil by his bedside.

Katy added: “We read him the entire collection of Roald Dahl books, sang to him and took imprints of his little hands and feet.

“It was so difficult not being able to hold him because he was covered in wires and attached to so many machines but I expressed breastmilk for him and he was tube fed.

“Sadly, Robyn wasn’t able to visit him as children aren’t allowed in the PICU in case they bring in infections.

“But his four grandparen­ts and other family and friends came to meet him. We were given a room at the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital, which meant Richard and I could get some sleep and also spend time with Robyn when she was brought to see us by her grandparen­ts.”

After several failed attempts to take Alex off life support, doctors along with Katy and Richard made the heartbreak­ing decision to allow Alex to pass away.

Katy said: “He was just too poorly to survive. He had fought so hard but we had to accept it was time to let him go.

“It was devastatin­g to realise he was never going to come home with us. On

Sunday Mail

February 27, all the machines were switched off and finally I was able to hold him in my arms for the first time in almost three weeks. Richard and I cuddled him and told him how much we loved him.

“He lived for two hours before he slipped away very peacefully.

“As completely devastatin­g as his death has been, we know nothing more could have been done for him. He was in the best possible hands and we will always be grateful for that.”

In memory of Alex and to raise funds for the two charities who supported her family, Katy has decided to undertake a sponsored cross- country cycle over two days in June.

She said: “Arriving home to the Borders without Alex was so hard. But he had been so brave and such a fighter that I didn’t want to just sit at home and grieve. I wanted to do something positive to remember him by and to say thank you for the amazing care he received.

“I love cycling and came up with the idea of replicatin­g Alex’s journey to Glasgow by bike.

“Friends, family and colleagues are going to join me and Richard will be the team support travelling by car.

“It will be a very poignant journey knowing that the last time I made it was in an ambulance with Alex.

“I hope the money we raise will help other families like ours, thrown into the most awful situation without warning.

“I want something good to come out of Alex’s death and I’ll be thinking of him as every mile goes past on the journey to Glasgow.”

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