Sunday Mail (UK)

I cook up a storm


vehicle costing £175 a month for five years. He contacted Tesco as he felt sure they would cover the repairs. He added: “It was a clear-cut case. It was only fair that they paid.

“The bill was going through the roof as the diesel injectors, filter and particulat­e filter were damaged and had to be replaced.

“But Tesco were just not interested. They kept telling me they were confident there were no issues at their Musselburg­h site.”

Andrew offered Tesco the drained fuel for testing but they refused to accept it.

He said: “They claimed they wouldn’t test any fuel that has left their site.

“They cannot be allowed to get away with this. I ’ m left with a huge bil l for something which is not my fault.”

I got on to Tesco. They said: “We have been unable to identi f y a fault relating to the fuel. Despite a busy day’s trading at the store , no other complaints were raised about our fuel on this day.”

It’s about time Tesco tested Andrew’s sample of the diesel. Edward McGarvey paid £7000 for a new kitchen but two months later it still wasn’t finished.

Wren Kitchens had failed to return to box in a central heating boiler despite repeated requests.

I got on the case and they quickly promised to sort things for Edward, of Hamilton.

 ??  ?? ANGRY Driver Andrew
ANGRY Driver Andrew

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