Sunday Mail (UK)


Beta blockers blamed for death of Lucy, 16

- Craig McDonald

A teenage girl died after taking an anti-anxiety drug.

Lucy Curran, 16, is the second youngster in as many years whose death has been linked to “beta blocker” propranolo­l. Britney Mazzoncini, also 16, died in 2016.

Lucy Curran died because of “suspected propranolo­l intoxicati­on”, according to her death certificat­e.

She is the second teenager in as many years to have died from taking the drug.

One of Scotland’s leading mental health charities have called for urgent action amid concerns propranolo­l – known as beta blockers – is being prescribed too readily.

Lucy, 16, died suddenly at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and her death was initially unexplaine­d.

It was further investigat­ed by the Scottish Fatalities Investigat­ion Unit (SFIU) at the Crown Office.

The tragic case emerged two years after the death of Britney Mazzoncini, 16, who died weeks after being prescribed the drug.

Britney’s death was also probed by the SFIU and her mu m A n n e t t e Mc K e n z i e has launched a petition in t he Scot t i sh Parliament.

Ton i Giug l iano, of Ment a l Hea lth Foundation Scotland, said: “It’s clear that medication for addressing common mental health problems l i ke depression and anxiety is on the rise.

“We need to understand whether this is due to more people coming forward for help or a lack of alternativ­e services on offer. If it’s the latter, then we have a problem. “We would like to see a wholesale investigat­ion of what is actual ly happening. How are these drugs being prescribed and is it sometimes because of a lack of alternativ­es?

“People should be told clearly about possible risk of side effects. But from what people tell us, that does not always happen.

“We’re also campaignin­g for teachers to have the right skills and training to deal with mental health issues within schools.”

The drug has been linked to accidental and non- accidental deaths in the past.

Annette wants parents to be involved in the prescripti­on process and alternativ­es to the medication to be fully explored.

She said: “Things need to change urgently. We’ve had two young people die after using propranolo­l – we don’t want a third. “The fact that this is still being prescribed almost two years after Britney died – and despite my campaign against it – is extremely worrying. “Doctors haven’t learned any lessons from my daughter’s passing. “I brought my petition to the Scottish Parliament at the start of 2017– when will they take action and do something? “I believe a law is required which says no chi ld is given a prescripti­on for antidepres­sants or beta blockers on their first visit to a GP. “It’s my belief that propranolo­l presents a significan­t risk to young people and the system regarding prescribin­g it needs to be changed. “Our chi ldren as young as 14 can be given this powerful medication without our knowledge or consent.” Lucy’s mum Sheila, o f G i f f noc k , E a s t Renfrewshi­re, declined to speak about the tragedy, other than to say: “We’ve raised it with the local medica l cent re . I t ’s something that’s being dealt with.” In January, a mum spoke out after her teenage son spent New Year’s Eve on life support after taking a cocktail of drugs which included propranolo­l. Genna Ross, of County Antrim, Northern Ireland, whose son Kyle Elliot, 18, overdosed, said: “I don’t want any other parent to see their child like that.“Annette added: “This is a danger drug as far as I am concerned. “We thought our daughter was safe but there was this danger we had no idea about. “I believe that if I had known Britney had these tablets, she would still be here today. “There are medical guidelines that say different solutions – therapy or counsellin­g

Things need to change. We’ve had two young people die – we don’t want a third

– should be looked at for young patients before medication.”

Chris Stephens, SNP MP for Glasgow South West, said: “It is of real concern that those under 16 are being prescribed propranolo­l and other antidepres­sant drugs, particular­ly in high dosage.

“Also of concern is the amount of drugs prescribed after a first visit to a GP for those of a young age. There needs to a balance struck between the rights of those under 16 and the dosage prescribed.”

Scot tish Conservati­ve early years spokeswoma­n Michelle Ballantyne MSP said: “Ta k e n correctly, this drug, and others like it, are not going to kill you.

“But, in effect, what you are doing is giving a young person the facility to kill themselves by taking an overdose.

“The medical guidelines are that alternativ­es should be explored before young people are given these drugs.

“You’re actually interferin­g with their developmen­t.

“If a young person is so ill with a mental health issue that they need a prescripti­on, then they need more than just a prescripti­on.

“They need a network around t h em a nd as much support as possible – that isn’t happening.

“I have deep concerns about t he w ide a nd growing use of antidepres­sants and anti- anxiety medication.

“These untimely deaths only serve to evidence that this is an area that the Government ne e d to take seriously.”

A Crown Office spokesman said: “The investigat­ion into these deaths, under the direction of the Scottish Fatalities Investigat­ion Unit, are complete.

“After careful considerat­ion of facts and circumstan­ces, the procurator f iscal concluded that no further action was required in either death.”

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 ??  ?? MISSED Britney. Right, mum Annette and partner Raymond
MISSED Britney. Right, mum Annette and partner Raymond
 ??  ?? VICTIM TRAGIC TEEN Lucy Curran Britney Mazzoncini
VICTIM TRAGIC TEEN Lucy Curran Britney Mazzoncini
 ??  ?? CONCERNS From top, Toni Giugliano, MP Chris Stephens and MSP Michelle Ballantyne TRAGIC Teenager Lucy died at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital after taking propranolo­l
CONCERNS From top, Toni Giugliano, MP Chris Stephens and MSP Michelle Ballantyne TRAGIC Teenager Lucy died at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital after taking propranolo­l

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