Sunday Mail (UK)


Huge rise in deaths linked to pain pill

- Craig McDonald

The super- strength painkiller blamed for singer Demi Lovato’s overdose has been linked to a string of deaths in Scotland.

Experts issued an alert after the number of fatalities in Scotland associated with fentanyl more than doubled last year.

The drug, an opioid used legally as a powerful pain medication, is traded on the black market and often mixed with heroin or cocaine.

It’s at the heart of a drug crisis in the US and was last week implicated in the near- fatal overdose of American singersong­writer Lovato.

A fentanyl overdose was also the cause of death of singer Prince in 2016.

Musician Tom Petty died last year after taking a cocktail of drugs which included fentanyl.

The drug – nicknamed TNT, Apache and Jackpot – is considered up to 100 times more powerful than heroin and has caused widespread problems in England.

Official statistics show the number of fatalities in Scotland connected to the drug more than doubled from seven in 2016 to 15 last year.

Dave Barry, service manager with cha r ity Addaction in Tayside, said: “If a drug user has any inclinatio­n that a batch of heroin may be laced with fentanyl then they need to steer well clear because this stuff will kill you.

“Anyone who uses it should have naloxone – an opiates reversal drug – to hand and a phone with which they can dial 999 for an ambulance.

“This is because the minute someone uses fentanyl there is a good chance they will die. The naloxone might keep someone alive until they get to hospital.

“Without exaggerati­ng, that’s how powerful it is. If you use it, there is a massive chance it will kill you.”

“Fentanyl we have seen in the UK is at least 40, 50 or 60 times stronger than illicit heroin.

“It’s whole new realm of risk. The numbers of deaths may appear relatively low but the increase is significan­t. One death is one too many.”

Lovato, 25, was rushed to hospital on July 24 after being found unresponsi­ve at her home in the Hollywood Hills.

The star had to be revived with a shot of Narcan which is used for opioid overdoses.

It’s reported her suspected overdose came from “smoking pain killer Oxycodone likely laced with f en tanyl ”. Government f igures show fentanyl was “implicated in or potentiall­y contribute­d to” three deaths in Scotland in 2015 and has continues to rise. Barry said: “The figures show an alarming increase and upward trend where fentanyl is reported as a significan­t factor in drugs deaths. “Down south we have been aware of fentanyl on the black market, in Scotland less so.

“But these figures suggest fentanyl is starting to appear in Scotland. This is a major concern.”

The drug is now classified in Britain as a controlled Class A drug.

Side effects can include vomit i ng , const ipat ion, unconsciou­sness and death. The Sunday Mail requested statistics on fentanyl from Police Scotland but the force refused to disclose the informatio­n, stating they did not collate the data.

They added if they could gather the informatio­n, it would “not be in the public interest” to release it.

Police Scotland’s most recent drugs trend bulletin, circulated in December 2017 to provide guidance on illegal substances, stated: “At this time, fentanyl use is generally confined to niche markets in Scotland with limited availabili­ty.

“There has been a smal l number of incidents in Scotland where the presence of fentanyl has been identified.

“Drug users appear to recognise that the dangers of fentanyl outweigh its use as a drug of choice.

“At this time there is no informatio­n to suggest fentanyl has become a ‘ mainstream’ product in the il l icit drugs market in Scotland.”

The Scottish Government said that any death cause by drug abuse or misuse was a tragedy.

They added: “We continue to work closely with relevant bodies, including local Alcohol and Drug Partnershi­ps, Police Scotland, and Drug Trend Monitoring Groups, to closely monitor the situation across the country so that we can further reduce illicit consumptio­n rates.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? HOSPITAL CASE Fentanyl was implicated in singer Lovato’s overdose and was the cause of death for Prince, inset DANGER A lethal dose of heroin, left, compared to a lethal dose of Fentanyl
HOSPITAL CASE Fentanyl was implicated in singer Lovato’s overdose and was the cause of death for Prince, inset DANGER A lethal dose of heroin, left, compared to a lethal dose of Fentanyl
 ??  ?? WARNING Dave Barry
WARNING Dave Barry

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