Sunday Mail (UK)



28 Sunday Mail House of horrors killer Rose West has told fellow prisoners she will be forgiven by God.

Britain’s worst female serial murderer – who helped husband Fred rape their daughter, kill her and bury her under their patio – now goes to weekly chapel services.

And the deluded monster, who blames her depraved hubby for “making me do things”, insists she will be at peace in the after-life.

The revelation­s come from Catherine Jones, 52, who spent time in jail with West, 64.

They follow claims this week that more victims of Fred West are buried in Glasgow where he lived before meeting West . Catherine, who was in HMP Low Newton, Count y Durham, with West, said: “She really believes she’ll be forgiven when she dies.

“Will she? She put her own daughter under the patio.”

We s t ’ s religious confession came after she was asked: “What’s it like knowing you’ll be leaving this place in a wooden box?”

Catherine said: “She came to me and my mates and said ‘I’ve found a new life in God’.”

But last night a close family member said: “We’re trying to move on and if West thinks that asking God to forgive her will in make up for what she’s done, that’s not a god I would understand.”

The couple k i l led, dismembere­d and buried young women and children at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester.

Fred, 53, hanged himself in jail on New Year’s Day 1995 while awaiting trial for 12 murders between 1967 and 1987. Rose, convicted of 10 murders, is serving a life sentence.

 ??  ?? DELUDED Rose West

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