Sunday Mail (UK)

T’Pau star restores harmony with judge


T’Pau singer Carol Decker feared she wouldn’t get on to Celebrity MasterChef – because of a feud with one of the judges.

The 80s pop star revealed she had a series of blazing rows with Gregg Wallace when she had to teach him to sing on BBC show Just the Two of Us in 2007.

Carol, 60, said: “When my agent said I was being considered for this year’s Celebrity MasterChef, I thought, ‘ I bet Gregg will say I’m not working with her again’.

“He real ly got on my nerves. I had to teach him – and he really didn’t want to listen.

“He was more interested in playing up to the camera crew and telling the worst jokes.

“I was told we’d go out first if he didn’t pull his socks up. I told him, ‘ Knuckle down and pay attention’.

“He didn’t like it… and we did go out first.”

Carol was pleased to find Gregg, 53, didn’t hold a grudge. She said: “Ten years on, he’s a pussycat.

“When he first saw me, he gave me a big hug.”

Mum- of- two Carol is married to restaurate­ur Richard Coates, who gave her training before filming started. Yet she was so nervous about taking part, that she came out in hives.

But the singer, who has just released a new single, Run, added: “The more I got into the show, I just loved the challenges.”

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