Sunday Mail (UK)

Jungle torment of BBC TV crew


Sir David Attenborou­gh’s crew suffered two- and- ahalf-years of jungle torment filming his new BBC show deal ing with snakes , scorpions, blood- sucking flies – and swarms of bees.

Dynasties looks at the family lives of animals in dwindling habitats.

But it was creepy-crawlies that pushed the team to breaking point in the steaming African jungles of south-east Senegal.

Producer and director Rosie Thomas said: “The number of things we faced every day was ridiculous – l i k e blo od- suc k i ng mosquitos and tsetse flies.”

But Rosie says the trials of filming will be worth it when viewers see the result tonight at 8.30pm on BBC One.

 ??  ?? NEW SHOW David

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