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Gift vouchers to spend this New Year for our seven lucky Co-op shoppers


It’s the time of year when families join together and make memories.

Once the last of the Christmas turkey has been devoured and you are focusing on your New Year plans, let the Co-op help you plan your Hogmanay celebratio­ns in style.

Hogmanay has become a huge part of Scottish culture and whether it’s a quiet dram with close family and friends or a street party - you can be sure of one thing, the bells will be ringing as the clock strikes midnight and 2019 is welcomed.

We asked Daily Record readers to share their most memorable New Year festivitie­s with us.

And we were inundated with memories, some sad, some happy but all of them are memorable.

We chose seven of the most memorable Hogmanay memories and these readers will be given £30 Co-op vouchers to make sure 2019 gets off to a cracking good start.

Here are some of your Hogmanay memorable memories:

December 31 is a true landmark of Carleen Williamson’s life, she writes: “I got married on Hogmanay 2010 although we lost our marriage schedule so it was actually a fake ceremony and we had to do it again in January!”

Tradition is important for Lisa Morton: “We watch The Steamie every Hogmanay, it’s now a tradition in our house.”

A special memory for reader Liz Campbell: “My dad loved Hogmanay, always having a drink and partying. Sadly he passed away in 2007 but every year we celebrate his life and have a drink at the Bells in his memory. It’s always a sad time but we try our best to make it a happy time too.”

Irene Burns is always reminded of years gone by at Hogmanay: “Hogmanay when I was young saw me with relatives drinking Snowballs, Babysham and McEwan’s Lager, there were cocktail sausages on sticks, nuts and everyone having a good time watching Rikki Fulton’s Scotch And Wry.”

It was a time for foreign travel for Rachel Baird: “I celebrated Hogmanay in Lapland a few years ago and as the fireworks were going off, the Northern Lights came out too.”

Romance was in the air for Ange White: “Absolutley soaked and freezing watching The Proclaimer­s in George Square was one of my memorable Hogmanay memories. This was the year every other big Hogmanay party was called off apart from Glasgow’s and it was great.”

December 31 is certainly an important day in the life of Maxine Pentleton: “It has to be the Hogmanay I spent in labour with my daughter who was born in that morning of 2010.”

 ??  ?? Carleen Williamson Maxine Pentleton DELIGHTED Rachel Baird in Prague
Carleen Williamson Maxine Pentleton DELIGHTED Rachel Baird in Prague
 ??  ?? Angela White
Angela White

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