Sunday Mail (UK)

TV Katie saves a suicidal veteran


Acid attack victim Katie Piper helped save an ex-soldier with PTSD who was threatenin­g to shoot himself.

In dramatic TV scenes, the mum- of- two is seen working as a frontl ine special constable when she is called to help talk down a suicidal Army veteran.

Katie and the rest of her team were able to help the man and get him the support he needed just in time.

The drama unfolds in Channel 4’s Famous and Fighting Crime series and led to her reliving her own terrifying acid attack ordeal.

She was diagnosed with PTSD in the aftermath – and she says her experience was crucial as she calmly spoke to the suffering soldier.

Katie, 35, said: “We were there as one human to another, to listen and give him time, which is such a valuable currency.”

“Coming face to face with someone with PTSD is always heartbreak­ing.”

In the series, celebritie­s don uniforms to help police deal with 999 calls.

Katie also had to dash into a burning building to help rescue people living there.

She said that went against her instincts after the 2008 attack in which her ex, Daniel Lynch, had arranged for accompl ice Stefan Sylvestre to throw sulphuric acid into her face.

She suffered third degree burns and was blinded in one eye.

Katie said: “I vowed I’d never put myself in danger again and then, here I am putting myself in the thick of it.”

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RESCUE Katie Piper

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