Sunday Mail (UK)

Don’t call us we’ll stall you

- Leishman brilliantl­y saves

The 30-year-old, who fits water mains for a living, has given up hope of ever going pro.

But it doesn’t stop him dreaming of what might have been if he’d ever got that call from Gorgie.

Talbot were narrowly beaten 1-0 by Hearts in that 2012 tie, after Leishman had saved a penalty. Today, he’ ll be back at Tynie hoping to put in a similar display as the Ayrshire side attempt to spring yet another surprise.

As he ref lected on the experience seven years ago, he said: “I was asked to train with Hearts the week after the game.

“But I’d hurt my wrist so it was delayed by a couple of weeks. Gary Locke phoned me so I went in to Tynecastle to train. It was a great experience because we actually trained in the stadium.

“It was a bit surreal. I’d just played against those boys and all of a sudden, I was training alongside them.

“I worked with the keepers, Jamie MacDonald, Mark Ridgers and Jack Hamilton.

“They were all good and it was great to work with Jamie in particular, with his experience.

“I thought that I did enough to impress.

“We played games at the end and everything was good. They said they’d get in touch but I didn’t hear anything for weeks.

“Then Sergio got the sack and John McGlynn came in so I’m still waiting.

“A few of my mates at the time phoned to wind me up, pretending to be McGlynn.

“It was weird waiting for the call. Jamie Hamill was there at the time and he stays in Irvine .

“I gave him a run down the road after training – he’d injured his knee and was going to see family.

“We were chatting and Jamie said: ‘Imagine going back to your own job but then signing for us next season’.

“I do think about what might have been because I don’t want to be working on the roads in bad weather every day.

“It was seven years ago now so if it was going to happen, it would have happened back then.

“I definitely feel as if I could have played senior, 100 per cent. If I’d had a chance with a full-time goalie coach, I’d have got better.

“I get keeper training once a week then it’s just in goals for shooting – boys blasting the ball at you.

“It’s not going to happen for me now, I’m getting too old.”

Back in 2012 Leishman, who was also working as a nightclub bouncer, got whiplash – from his own player, Bryan Slaven – when Hearts grabbed their late winner through Gordon Smith.

That meant double agony for him at the final whistle but he can’t wait to sample it again.

Leishman said: “This draw has brought back a lot of memories.

“I was the busiest man on the park that day and saved a penalty from Fraser Mullen.

“Then for their goal, I came out for a cross, shouted, and big Bryan got in my road.

“I dropped the ball as he hit me and it was a tap-in.

“Bryan gave me whiplash and I was sore for days after it. He said my shout was too late for him to get out of my way.

“We were so close to a result and it was gutting because we’d scored and it was called offside. When we watched it back, it was clearly onside. Hearts players

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