Sunday Mail (UK)





Windy weather - 29.03.19 tough climb made for a physically

– 09.04.19 Breathtaki­ng views from snowy hills near Loch Tay (Carn Aosda, Carn a’Gheoidh and the Cairnwell) - 27.05.19 Glenshee trio bagged in a day dementia for several yearsars until his death aged 82 in October 2012.

She said: “My grandad loved being outside and, even when he was really ill towards the end, he would still get his boots on and come out with me for a walk around the block.

“I’m sure if he was alive today he would - 19.06.19

A steep climb which left Nicole’s leg muscles burning with the effort cry at the top of my 20th Munro – it was emotional. l

“I was a total beginner to hillwalkin­g when I started this challenge, and if I can do it then anyone can as long they’re fit enough for a few hours of energetic walking.

“To look down on Scotland from the peak of a mountain is such a beautiful thing to do.”

Sa Craig, head of corporate partnershi­ps and events for Alzheimer Scotland, said: “With more than 90,000 people living with dementia in Scotland, it is our biggest health and social care challenge and it isn’t going to go away.

“We’re so grateful to Nicole for helping us to change dementia and to everyone who supported her fundraisin­g efforts.

“Together we can make sure nobody faces dementia alone.”

Sunday Mail

A magical - 06.07.19 Schiehalli view from of on, ‘Fairy the Hill Caledonia with mum ns’, Sharon


AUGUST - 11.08.19

High spirits after climbing Britain’s tallest mountain in wet and cloudy conditions... and with a burst climbing boot

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