Sunday Mail (UK)



- Steven Mair

Neil Lennon insists he’s learned to keep calm in 10 years of management – and that will help him carry on to win another league title.

But the Hoops boss

(right) would love to go back in time and tell his hothead younger self to cool it.

Lennon, who’ll mark a decade in the dugout in March, said: “I’d tell him to calm down. Take a step back and smell the roses. I’m in a great place now. I don’t suffer losses so badly – you can be more philosophi­cal.”

Just over a year into Neil Lennon’s tenure as Celtic boss, it looked like everything was starting to unravel.

During a 3-2 loss to Inverness in May 2011 that effectivel­y handed Rangers the title, he directed his anger on a rack of water bottles – volleying them down the touchline.

Who could have predicted then it would be Gers’ last league crown of the decade? And that furious Lennon would wind up staying until 2014 and return five years later?

The manager has been through some incredible ups and downs in his full decade of management, which began in March 2010 when he took over from Tony Mowbray on an interim basis.

After departing Celtic he went south to crisis-hit Bolton, then returned to Scotland with Hibs before his Parkhead comeback.

Now, as 2020 dawns, Lenny would love another decade in the hot seat.

He said: “It has been an incredible year and I’m grateful for the opportunit­y.

“I’m enjoying what I’m doing. I have a great backroom team and a great group of players. I’ve got to be happy.

“I’ve had some tough times in management and that has been good experience.

“When you’re in a position like this you realise it doesn’t last very long and it doesn’t happen very often.

“In the good times you can reflect and enjoy them more and push yourself even harder.

“So 10 years of management, it’s a nice milestone. I’ve done more than 500 games and I wouldn’t have envisaged that when I first took over.

“I’m in a great place. I don’t think you suffer the losses so badly or take them so personally now – you can be more philosophi­cal.

“And it’s the same with the wins – you don’t get too carried away. You enjoy the victory then look forward to the next game.”

That attitude will help Lennon cope with Celtic’s derby loss to Rangers’ last weekend, their first defeat at home in the fixture for nine years. The Hoops squad now have the winter break to stew over the 2-1 loss and plan their assault on the Premiershi­p, the Scottish Cup and the Europa League.

But despite the result, Lennon’s side still top the league and have the League Cup in the cabinet already after defeating Steven Gerrard’s side in that final.

And while Rangers won the December derby last season the Hoops went on to win their eighth league title on the spin.

Asked if he could see himself completing another decade in management, Lennon said: “If I do that it would be brilliant.

“We’ve had a lot of success and I’m hoping for more of the same next year.

“Getting the League Cup was a nice landmark so I’ve got the three trophies now and once you get a taste you want more. Europe was a big thing as well, I was trying to make inroads there so I’m looking forward to the games against Copenhagen.

“The second half of the season will be as exciting as the first.”

Lennon admits his decade as a gaffer hasn’t all been plain sailing.

There was the bottle- kicking game, some tough times in cup competitio­ns and his swift and mysterious departure from Hibs early last year.

But the toughest spell was his 17 months in

Lancashire with cashstrapp­ed Wanderers.

Lennon said: “There was nothing I could really do at Bolton.

“We kept them up the first year, which was good because when we took over they were bottom of the league.

“Then the money just stopped.

“We weren’t aware of it but we had to cut the wage bill by

50 per cent.

“Then they went into administra­tion. Things were getting sold in front of you – you’d sit at your desk one day and the next thing the removal van comes and takes it!

“I had to help out with player wages and things like that. They were a decent bunch of boys and didn’t deserve that. Bolton never really recovered.

“They still have problems now. I look back with a bit of fondness but it was tough, a good learning curve.”

After such a tumultuous decade for Scottish football that saw Lennon’s Celtic enter a curious new landscape as Rangers fought upwards from the Third Division, things have come full circle.

So what advice would current-day Lenny give to the shaved-head version of 2010 as he began his journey in management?

He said: “Calm down. You can’t do everything yourself, son.

“Take a step back and smell the roses.”

So 10 years of management – it’s a nice milestone. I’ve done more than 500 games and I wouldn’t have envisaged that when I first took over so I’m in a great place. You don’t suffer the losses so badly and it’s the same with the wins – you don’t get carried away. I’m hoping for more

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 ??  ?? STEVIE G-UP Gerrard’s Gers are hot on Celtic’s heels after derby victory
STEVIE G-UP Gerrard’s Gers are hot on Celtic’s heels after derby victory
 ??  ?? WATER PALAVER Lenny takes out his rage on water bottles at Inverness
I’M A CALMER CHAMELEON Neil has changed during 10 years in management
WATER PALAVER Lenny takes out his rage on water bottles at Inverness I’M A CALMER CHAMELEON Neil has changed during 10 years in management

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